Haunting Secrets
quiver so? It couldn’t be the mystery surrounding him. Why hadn’t any other man raised a similar reaction in her? While some of the men in town courted her, they didn’t appreciate women who spoke their minds. But she wasn’t going to act like a simpleton just to win their affection. If they couldn’t love her for the intelligent woman she was, they were not worth her time.
    After the service, Jonathan escorted her back to the house while Francine, the perfect chaperone, followed behind. Once inside, he took Victoria’s cloak and handed it to the butler. Jonathan stroked her arm and smiled. “Would you care for a game of cards?”
    She took hold of his hand, mainly to stop it from caressing her arm. “Thank you, Jonathan, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to spend some time in my room this afternoon. I fear I didn’t sleep well last night, and so I was hoping I could do that now.”
    “As you wish, my sweet. Please don’t hesitate to ask Mrs. White to get you anything you need.”
    Victoria shook her head. “I wouldn’t dream of bothering her now. I’m certain this is a bad day for many of your servants.”
    “You’re very thoughtful.” He cupped her chin. “We are very fortunate to have you with us.”
    She pulled away from him and started up the stairs with Jonathan following, his hand riding low on her back. Right away she noticed his caress didn’t stir awareness inside of her like Justin’s brief touch had.
    She shook away such thoughts. How could she possibly have these feelings for a man who’d continued to frighten her? But Justin was the last person to speak with her father. Somehow she needed to convince Justin to confide in her. Would he even know about her father’s death? One way or another, she had to speak to Justin again.
    Outside her room, Jonathan took her hand and placed a kiss upon her knuckles. She smiled, and pulled away as politely as she could.
    “I hope you get rested, Victoria.”
    “Me, too, or I’ll be out of sorts for the duration of the day.”
    She closed the door and leaned against it, exhaling a heavy sigh of relief to be out of Jonathan’s confusing—and most disturbing—company. Sleep was not on her mind, although she did need to get some rest, but what she wanted was to return to the East Wing and talk with Justin. Maybe if she told him she wanted to help him, he’d soften toward her and confess the truth.
    That would never happen, especially when he didn’t want her here in the first place. But she wouldn’t leave. Not yet.
    She lay on her bed and starred at the ceiling. Hours slipped by. How many, she didn’t know. The sky grew dark, casting shadows on the walls. She turned her eyes to the window. Rain sprinkled against the glass in a constant rhythm. She didn’t know how long she stared at the rain, but her eyes would not close. Trying to rest was useless.
    Sliding off the bed, she decided to find something to do to keep her entertained. Perhaps she’d see if Francine had heard any more interesting tales from the servants. Between what her maid had heard, and what Victoria knew, maybe she’d be able to figure out the puzzle.
    She opened the door and looked up and down the deserted hall. She tiptoed to Francine’s room and knocked, but there was no answer. She opened the door and peeked inside. Empty.
    Victoria crept farther into the room. It was so immaculate, the space appeared as if nobody occupied it. She walked to the long, lightly-frosted window and peered outside. A movement from the courtyard caught her attention. The cloaked figure of what appeared to be a woman hurried toward the wooded area beyond the lawn. Suddenly, she stopped and looked back toward the house.
    Victoria’s heart jumped. Was that her maid? What was she doing outside, alone in this weather, especially when the poor girl was afraid of her own shadow?
    Knocking on the window, Victoria shouted at Francine. But the maid turned back toward the thicket of trees and rushed out

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