Heavy Hearts

Heavy Hearts by Kylie Kaemke Page B

Book: Heavy Hearts by Kylie Kaemke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Kaemke
    “Of course! Which is why we need to get out of here before I trap you in the bed for three more days.”
    “Well now! That doesn’t sound like such a bad idea.”
    “Let’s go…” I trotted out the door so he had no choice but to follow.
    “Alright… alright. Where to then?” He asked.
    “I don’t know. You’re the Brit. Show me the good stuff!” I pleaded.
    “Take my hand then,” and I gladly did.

Chapter 11
    We spent the rest of the summer doing what we had promised, having fun. The four of us living it up in London being young and carefree until we had to return to that world filled with studying and boring lectures – the real world.
    We hit up all the typical tourist attractions like the ever so popular Piccadilly Circus and the elegant Palace of Westminster. As well as some not so touristy sites that Simon showed us like the vibrant Brixton Market and he took us on a peaceful bike ride on the canal from Limehouse Dock to Paddington.
    I spent most of my nights with Simon alone. I think I slept in the hotel room a total of ten nights after meeting him. Suzette and Adam didn’t complain. They took a liking to him and became fast friends. It was an overall otherworldly summer, and I was not thrilled to be going home – back to the big apple – in just two days. 
    “I don’t want to leave.” I whined to Suzette while the two of us shared a bottle of Vodka and a box of pricey chocolates from the freshly stocked mini bar. Adam and Simon were out together helping one of Simon’s college buddies move. He promised me he had tried his hardest to get out of it, but he told Kellen he would help him months ago and this was the only night they could do it. Adam graciously offered to lend a hand to get things done quicker. He understood that I only had a couple days left with this glorious man and he wanted to help out where he could.
    “Because you’re attached to Simon?! I told you this was going to happen!” She exclaimed slurring her words as she took another sip from the bottle. “Seriously, I told you! Remember what I told you at the beginning of the summer.” Suzette could get a little redundant when under the influence.
    She wasn’t necessarily wrong either, I had developed some intense feeling for Simon and I knew that it was going to be difficult to shake them. But we made an agreement and he hadn’t hinted at breaking our promise to each other… so why should I?
    “That’s not the only reason, I like it here.” I rationalized stealing the bottle from her hand and taking a long sip. The welcoming sting of alcohol rushed down my throat and settled in my stomach, but in my head was where I felt it. “I like this magical city and all that it has to offer. It’s like New York, but more charming. More inviting.” I took another swig and passed the now almost empty clear glass bottle back to my drunk friend, but she refused it.
    “No, I’ve had enough.” She pushed the bottle back towards me, but I was intoxicated enough, so I gingerly placed the bottle on the nightstand and fell back onto the soft bed.
    “Listen girl, I know you’ve got it bad for Simon – I can see it in the way you look at him. And I can also see the way he is with you and I know he has the same feelings,” she spouted. “I know that the two of you came to an agreement about the end of the summer, but if this thing between the two of you is as real as I think it is… then you need to do something about this.”
    “But…” I tried to interrupt her but she just put her long palm over my mouth and wouldn’t let me speak.
    “But nothing. I know school is important and all… but I’m sorry… you my dear are a rich bitch and you don’t even need an education to get by in life. And if you haven’t noticed Simon is pretty loaded and well on his way to a pretty lucrative career.” She wasn’t wrong again. He had a very well-off uncle who died a few years back and he was the sole beneficiary to

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