Heavy Hearts

Heavy Hearts by Kylie Kaemke

Book: Heavy Hearts by Kylie Kaemke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Kaemke
ambulance. Love? Are you alright?” His voice was panicked and he pulled me into his arms like this was the last time he was going to get to touch me, and I realized… it probably was. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes tight, holding back my sobs.
    I couldn’t even fathom how two people could fall in love so quickly. It could absolutely not have been love… it had to just be fawning or lusting or loneliness. There was no way after a few days we could have been that much in love with each other. Could we? I had only felt love one other time and this sure did feel the same, possibly even more real, but it just couldn’t have been.
    He pulled me away from him and held me at arm’s length. “Lucy,” he began. “Listen… I know you’re scared. I know, cause I am too.”
    “I know spending the summer together is risky, but we both know that at the end we will have to part. I have to finish school here, and you have to begin your life in New York.” His stern words floored me. The way he was able to deliver them with such lack of emotion. He started soft and now was a brick wall trying to reason with me. 
    “But… you just told me you were in love with me. I don’t understand where this is coming from.” I pushed for more of an explanation.
    “I know, but if my feelings for you are going to make me lose you two months ahead of schedule then I just want to make it clear that I knew what this was going to be right from the start.” I heard the strain in his voice, but he seemed sincere.
    “Are you sure?” I asked, still unsure if he knew what he was getting himself into. “Because I have made up my mind, and I’m leaving at the end of the summer no matter what.” I tried to maintain a brave face even though on the inside I was bursting with tears. But I knew that I couldn’t give up my entire future on the chance that a year from that moment we would still feel the way we felt that day. Love fades, and I had to learn that the hard way.
    “I am quite positive. I can’t keep you from your dreams, and I wouldn’t expect you to keep me from mine.” He assured me.
    “So, we’re in agreement then? Just a summer of fun… no love?” I reiterated.
    He held his hand out looking for a handshake. I placed mine in his and firmly shook on it. “You got it.” He stated with a wink. That glorious wink, and all over again I wanted to ravage him… but I remembered my little incapacitation and I stopped myself; settling by planting only a swe et peck on his cheek.

Chapter 10
    After spending three days cooped up in the hotel room willing my body to stop torturing me I was finally ready to see Simon again. After I left his apartment that day we made our little agreement, I didn’t totally ignore him, I just hadn’t seen him. We talked on the phone for hours and hours each day and night.
    He’d call me when he got home from his run, painting a sweaty picture in my mind as he panted. I’d call him during a lavish bubble bath when he would whisper dirty things into the phone and make me blush wildly. He’d call me while watching the newest Sci-Fi flick he bought, describing everything to me in such detail because he had already seen the film in the theater upwards of ten times. It was lovely. Definitely the closest I’d ever felt to someone that I wasn’t technically with. There was something extremely intimate about our phone calls and I loved it. However, I was ready to see him in the flesh again. 
    “What time are you picking me up?” I asked on our very last phone call before I would get to plant my lips on his and take all that I had missed in.
    “I don’t know. Come open your door and maybe I’ll have an answer.” Subtlety wasn’t his strong suit.
    “Simon! Why are you here already? I’m not even dressed.” I scolded him as I happily walked to the door.
    “Well then. You’re exactly how I want you.”
    I opened the door and hung up the phone. Standing in the doorway he

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