Her Sister's Secret (Mills & Boon Vintage Superromance)

Her Sister's Secret (Mills & Boon Vintage Superromance) by Linda Style

Book: Her Sister's Secret (Mills & Boon Vintage Superromance) by Linda Style Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Style
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Contemporary Women
find your niece and getting custody and all, and then you decide to hang out with a bunch of bikers? You gotta admit, it’s kinda out there.”
    “It’s complicated, Tanya. Too complicated to get into right now. But I promise to fill you in the first chance I get.”
    After their conversation Whitney considered what Tanya had said. But at the moment things were moving right along, and her insides jumped with nervous energy at the thought that everything would work out in the end.
    All she had to do was stay focused.
    Today she’d been so intent on appearing legitimate and asking Rhys research questions that she’d almost forgotten about gleaning any other information from him—until he mentioned he’d lived in Chicago before he’d moved to Estrade a year ago.
    He’d also said he’d been married once, but hadn’t elaborated. Said he had one child, and after disclosing that, he’d gotten all moody and closed up. Whitney sincerely hoped the marriage he’d mentioned wasn’t to Morgan, because if it was, getting custody would be way more difficult.
    She needed indisputable evidence that he was unfit, and after their meeting today, she had new concerns about how difficult it would be to prove. He wasn’t a user, that was certain. She’d seen enough substance abuse among her own set of acquaintances to be reasonably sure she’d recognize if he was.
    So, maybe he’d kicked the habit and used the business as a cover for the sale of drugs. Still, the business seemed to be for real, and she had a hard time imagining it wasn’t. Just as she had a hard time imagining Rhys as the person Morgan described. Yes, he was charming. He was attractive. Sexy. In those ways he was everything Morgan had said.
    But he was more than that. He was much more complex than Morgan had described. The thought created a sudden twist of need low in her belly. Another reason to keep her guard up.
    Hearing voices outside again, Whitney rested her forehead against the window frame. A child’s laughter drifted upward, and she saw a little kid…probably Gretta and Johnny’s grandchild skip across the yard while they watched from a glider swing.
    The phone rang. Albert returning her call. After perfunctory greetings, she told him the information she’d gathered. Albert said he’d follow up on her lead and check for the birth certificate in Chicago. Then he began his usual litany about when Whitney might come back to California.
    Hearing the child’s laughter again, Whitney parted the lace curtain and watched as the toddler, in a blue hooded sweatshirt, skipped in a circle around Gretta and Johnny. Finally they all held hands doing a ring-around-the-rosy dance, and Whitney’s heart squeezed thinking about SaraJane, who would be about the same age. She let the curtain fall, wistfully savoring the warm family scene.
    “Not for a while,” she murmured. But someday she would experience the same happiness as the family dancing in the yard below. No matter how many doubts she’d had about her ability to raise a child, she was certain of one thing: she and SaraJane would be close, just the two of them. It was sad to think Morgan’s little girl wouldn’t have grandparents to love her the way Gretta and Johnny loved their grandchild, but SaraJane would have someone who would love and protect her no matter what. Whitney would never let anything bad happen to SaraJane, again.
    Having lived through Sheffield parenting firsthand, she’d never allow her niece’s maternal grandparents the opportunity to destroy another life.
    “I can’t finalize the move to California until I finish what I started, Albert—at least or not until I’m convinced I’ve done everything I can from here. Right now, it’s too soon to tell.”
    “Look, Whitney. You’re paying me to handle the investigation. Why don’t you just let me do it my way?” Albert asked. “It’ll be easier on you.”
    “I’m paying you to get information for me, Albert. And speaking of

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