Her Temporary Hero (a Once a Marine Series book) (Entangled Indulgence)
    Not your problem, go back to bed.
    “Aren’t you cold?” She tried to see him and could barely make out his shape slumped in a chair.
    “Why don’t you watch TV? Or read?” Why sit here in the dark?
    He sighed. “Can’t be inside.”
    The utter emptiness in his voice worried her. Pulled her closer. She reached out and skimmed soft cotton. “Why?”
    A hand clamped around her wrist. “Don’t.”
    Her heart shot up to the throat. “Logan, what’s wrong?”
    “You can’t help. You were right the first time you ran from me after I kissed you. Run now.” He ripped his hand away. “Go.”
    Tremors that had nothing to do with the cold started from the center of her chest and radiated out until her teeth chattered. “Jiggy, come.” Turning she rushed through the door, then stopped.
    It was too cold outside.
    Becky doubled back out to the porch. “Don’t growl at me,” she said softly. “I’m just giving you this.” She slipped the blanket off her shoulders and draped it over him. Then she went inside, quietly closing the door.
    Once back in her bedroom, she wondered what the hell happened. That was not the man she knew. He’d been cold, distant…
    Told her to run.
    Jiggy whimpered at her bedroom door. He wanted to go back to Logan. Instead, Becky picked up the dog and put him in bed with her. Logan didn’t want them.
    Sometimes if felt as if no one wanted her.
    “That wasn’t so bad, was it, baby girl? Just a little cheek swab.” Becky held her daughter close as she left the medical building, trying to quell her queasiness. The test to establish paternity had been simple and quick.
    It was the repercussions that had her trembling. The results would be issued to the court, then her and Dylan’s lawyers would get a copy and they’d go from there.
    Becky kissed the soft fuzz coming in on Sophie’s head. “I’m sorry, baby. You deserve a better father.” She would be a good mother though. She had to.
    Her stomach bubbled uneasily. She had to ask Logan for the lawyer’s retainer. God, it made her sick to do it, but her lawyer had to have it. She’d stopped by the bank this morning to check on her loan—she’d been turned down. There were no other options.
    Shifting Sophie, she unlocked the car and buckled Sophie into her car seat. Becky forced a smile for her baby then closed the door. Opening her side, she glanced at the truck driving down the aisle slowly.
    Oh God. Her hand slid off the door latch. Dylan. He stopped, his big truck blocking her little car in the space. The window rolled down. Fear and memories tangled. The way he’d grabbed the phone from her when she’d called 911. Hitting her. That punch in her stomach. She forced herself to get control and calm down. “What are you doing here?” His mirrored sunglasses prevented her from seeing his eyes.
    He leaned his arm on the door. “Word is you’ve moved out of your trailer. People saw you loading up some guy’s truck and you’re living with him. That’ll go over real good with the judge. You just don’t know how to be anything but trash, do you?”
    His taunt hit home, igniting her fury. “I’m not living with him, we’re married.”
    Dylan fisted his hand, the muscles in his forearm bunching. “Who’d marry you?”
    She lifted her chin, so tired of feeling powerless. “Logan Knight.” That felt good, really good. Logan was a million times the man Dylan was, and Becky was proud to call him her husband. He treated Becky like she was valuable for more than sex.
    Dylan yanked off his sunglasses, staring at her for long seconds.
    Her pride withered under the weight of growing fear. Dang, maybe she shouldn’t have provoked him. She glanced at Sophie in the backseat. Okay, she could grab her baby and run back into the medical building. They’d be safe—
    “Bullshit.” Dylan snapped. “You’re lying. If you were married to a Knight, you wouldn’t be driving that piece of shit.” He ran his gaze

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