to me the other day and said
that he’d been walking in the fields, and then a feeling stole over
him. He couldn’t remember where he was, or how he’d got there. He
panicked, and found his way back to town.’
    I tried not to sound too
sceptical. ‘Then he remembered where he was?’
    Ysobi nodded. ‘Yes. He said it
was like waking up. He has a lot of bad dreams, too. Often, he’s
not sure what’s real and what isn’t. He’s obviously sensitive to
energies beyond normal perception, and part of him wants to shut
that off. I wonder what he’s hiding, or even if there is anything
to hide. He’s a puzzle.’
    ‘So do you think you’ll be able
to sort him out?’ I asked.
    ‘I hope so. It seems the more
he learns, the more the world feels like an alien place to him.
I’ve even considered writing to the Academy at Kyme. A second
opinion might be useful.’
    I knew Ysobi believed he was
good at his job, and it would take a lot for him to want another
har’s verdict on one of his students. Perhaps Gesaril really was
screwed up, and his behaviour wasn’t just an act to gain
    ‘I decided to stall the arunic
training,’ Ysobi said. ‘I think that was contributing to his state
of mind.’
    Thank the dehara for
that . ‘Oh,’ I said nonchalantly. ‘Will there come a point where
you just give up and send him home?’
    Ysobi laughed. ‘Come on, Jass.
Do you really think I’d do that?’
    Orphie happened to be there when the
pearl arrived. He came to my door one afternoon just before the
equinox, knowing I’d be at home. Some days before, Sinnar had told
me not to come to work again until after it was all over and the
harling had emerged from the pearl. He’d listen to no argument
otherwise. I knew the time was soon, because my insides felt so
peculiar, so I was just taking things easy. I was surprised to see
Orphie though, since this was his training time. I reflected how
much older and more confident he looked now and felt warm inside
because I knew I’d helped him. We had a special connection, but it
wasn’t an unhealthy thing. Orphie was not the obsessive type.
    ‘Ysobi sent me away,’ Orphie
said as soon as I’d shut the kitchen door behind him.
    ‘Oh? Why’s that?’ I asked him,
indicating he should sit at the table.
    ‘Gesaril came,’ Orphie muttered
darkly. He looked genuinely displeased and wouldn’t sit down.
    ‘What do you mean?’
    Orphie gestured angrily with
both hands. ‘We were in the middle of things, and then Gesaril just
burst into the room. He didn’t apologise, or even seem to notice I
was there. He was hysterical. I was naked. It was really
embarrassing. Ysobi tried to calm Gesaril down, but he was out of
his mind. Then Ysobi told me to leave.’
    I swallowed, aware that my
heart-rate had increased, although I strove to keep my voice light.
‘Well, that’s understandable, Orphie. Don’t take it personally. I
think Gesaril’s a bit sick in the head.’
    ‘I think he’s jealous!’ Orphie
blurted. His face had gone red.
    I went cold. ‘Jealous?
    ‘He did it on purpose because
he knew what we were doing. I’m sure of it. He doesn’t like Ysobi
training me. It’s not right. My phyle is paying Jesith just as much
as Gesaril’s parents are for training. I feel like I’m second best,
    I hesitated. ‘Orphie, has
Gesaril interrupted your training sessions more than once?’
    Orphie nodded. ‘He often turns
up. Not when we’re doing arunic arts, though, except for today. It
was like he just couldn’t stop himself. Usually, he’ll just come
into the room when we’re meditating or performing majhahn, and lurk
about. I don’t like it. He’s a distraction. He makes me feel
nervous and I can’t concentrate. Ysobi never tells him to go, and I
wish he would.’
    I heard in those last words an
unspoken plea for me to speak on his behalf. I was angry with
Ysobi, because he couldn’t see that Orphie was suffering while he
tried so desperately to

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