Highway to Heaven
work at the floral shop. It pays good. It’s my own
fault really. I need to put in more hours is all,” she stammered.
Which, to be honest, was a lie. She did work at the flower shop but
put in over fifty hours a week and still barely made by. She’d been
sending money back to Tami since she’d joined the Savages. Shark
shot a toxic glare at Tonto, still radiating rage. Thankfully,
Tonto rolled it off and nodded, communicating in some silent
conversation she didn’t understand.
    “Bullshit. You need money, you come to me. Do
you understand?” he snarled. Oh, she had no doubt he’d give her a
loan, but who knew what the interest would be, and Shark didn’t
seem like the type of guy who’d want it paid back in cash. There
was no way in hell she’d stoop to being someone’s prostitute to
help her financial situation. This was the main reason she’d kept
it to herself to begin with. Tonto wouldn’t do that to her, but
there was no way she could have gone to him. One, it would make her
seem to be ungrateful for what he had given her and two, there was
no way in hell she’d transfer to the highest paying job they
had—waitressing at the Pit. The Pit was an underground cage
fighting operation that happened after hours when the legal fights
ended. Devil’s Den was the legal side of the fighting world, and as
legit as it was, it still handled rough crowds. Crowds Heaven
didn’t want to deal with. Where it seemed bad, the Pit was worse.
The girls dressed in damn near nothing and got amazing tips because
of the sexual acts they did to get them. It was worse than
stripping. Plus, all of the people that attended were the baddest
of bad as far as she was concerned. The guys that came wouldn’t
think twice before killing you for spilling their beer. Hell no. No
way, no how. It didn’t matter how much the girls ranted about how
tight security was, it couldn’t be that tight. There was
always stripping, but once again, no way in hell. Pawn shops, a
diner, a few casinos…all of them didn’t quite fit her. The flower
shop did. Unfortunately, there were no tips in the flower business
but it was of her own choosing.
    Abi had fought and became the champion in the
Pit before moving on up to the big leagues with the UFC. She’d
fought her way to the top, taking out a line of mean motherfuckers
and now was sitting with a title belt. She may have spent time
there, but it was probably a hell of a lot safer in the octagon
than it is in the audience. Then again, Abi could handle just about
anyone. Now, she rode with the guys and did more damage than the
others with no remorse. She remained cool and calm in any situation
then opened the gates of hell on whoever the poor fucker was who
crossed her. “No, really they take great care of me. And, I know if
I asked I could pull shifts somewhere else. I’m fine.” Heaven tried
to keep her last words a-matter-of-fact and stern enough it would
end the discussion, but Shark turned to Tonto again. And, just as
before, they shared another round of silent staring eye contact
dialogue. Men. And they said chicks were hard to figure out…
    “Time to ride,” Sandman cut in, watching both
defensively. Shark nodded first, then Tonto and whatever beef or
silent argument was happening ceased. Most of the men cleared out
of the room, leaving only Slider and the girls. She tried hard not
to glare at Sahara, and after last night flashed through her mind
she couldn’t be mad. Hell, the girl was sweet. She hated it, but
the longer she was around her, the more she liked her. Whether she
wanted to admit it or not, her heart went out to her. Her sister
was held captive by the same demented fuck that had once had Tami.
No one deserved that. Only they could understand the pain and worry
that came from knowing their sibling was gone, and what
possibilities could be happening to them. It hit home, deep. And,
to be honest, Colt and Gage knew how to treat a woman in bed. She’d
needed the distraction the

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