His Best Mistake

His Best Mistake by Kristi Gold

Book: His Best Mistake by Kristi Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristi Gold
understood why his sister was such a daddy’s girl.
    Damn, if he hadn’t become a certified sap. But that was okay. He’d trade all his machismo for these moments with Carly, and enjoy them while he still had the chance—before her mother took her away for good.
    S HE’D SPENT way too much time in the bathtub. Dressed in the worn pink-cotton robe she’d owned since her freshman year of college, Leah wrapped her hair in a towel and hurried into the bedroom. She heaved one suitcase onto the mattress and rifled through it for something comfortable to wear, only to come across the animal-print pajamas Kevin had asked about during their phone conversation a week ago. And, like a practiced liar, she’d deceived him again. Although she’d intended to toss them during her packing, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Silly, considering she hadn’t worn them since she and Kevin had called it quits. Correction. Since Kevin had quit on her. But then, she’d done some fairly inane things of late.
    She remembered several memorable nights whenKevin had taken them off her, slowly. Nights when he had taken her beyond the limits of lovemaking, using his hands and his mouth and his body. She shivered just thinking about the way he’d spoken to her in that deadly low and patently sexy voice of his. How easily he could draw every ounce of pleasure out of her until she thought she had nothing left, only to have him lead her right back into a sexual realm she’d never known existed….
    “Did you enjoy yourself?”
    At the sound of his voice, Leah whipped around toward the door, clutching the presumably trashed lingerie behind her back. Kevin stood in the open space, one arm braced on the frame, the other dangling at his side. He looked so imposing, so gorgeous, she wanted to shield her eyes before she did or said something stupid. “You might try knocking next time.”
    “Kind of hard when the door’s open.”
    She wasn’t particularly fond of his logic, or her lack thereof. “I was listening for the baby. By the way, where is she?”
    He streaked a hand over his whisker-rough jaw. “She found my keys and went for a joyride. I tried to stop her but she’s faster than she looks.”
    She wasn’t fond of his attempt at humor, either. “Could you be serious for just a moment?”
    He slid his hands into his jeans pockets and attempted to look contrite. “She fell asleep so I put her to bed.”
    “Just like that?”
    “Yeah, just like that.”
    Amazing. “Did you put her on her back?”
    “Yes, I did. Like I told you, I’ve read the books.”
    He was trying hard to impress her, and he was doing a fairly credible job. “Just remember, she rarely stays down the first time you put her down.” Otherwise, Leah might be upset over not having the opportunity to say good-night to her daughter. “I’ll go check.”
    “I would’ve heard her if she wasn’t still asleep, and so would you.” He pointed toward the nightstand and a silver object resembling a remote control set next to the alarm clock. “That’s a wireless monitor. I have one in my room, too. The receiver’s in the nursery. It’s portable so you can carry it with you.”
    Evidently he’d thought of everything. “Great. That will come in handy. Now do you mind leaving so I can get dressed?”
    “Sure, just as soon as you tell me what you’re hiding behind your back.”
    “None of your business.” Infuriating, nosy man.
    He took a step toward her. “Did you buy me a gift?”
    She took a step back. “No, I did not.”
    “If it’s your panties, I’ve seen them before. Many times.” He inclined his head and leaned forward. “But that’s not what you’re keeping from me, is it?”
    Before Leah could react, he was on her like a moth on a porch light, grabbing for the pajamas. She managed to play keep-away by sidestepping out of his reach, but he didn’t let up. She retreated and he stalked her until he had her backed up to the bed. The same

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