His Temporary Wife

His Temporary Wife by Leslie P. García

Book: His Temporary Wife by Leslie P. García Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie P. García
    “No, girl, I don’t. But one thing everyone in this town respects is family. We don’t
     choose ’em, but we honor ’em to the grave and beyond. Don’t you mind what you hear
     about your aunt any more than what you hear about Rafael Benton.”
    “I have to tell you that I wouldn’t have even gone to ask about the job if my aunt
     had told me what it was.” Esme took a bit more of the orange juice and vodka, more
     slowly, thinking, but not understanding. “Lillie Mae, I don’t get it,” she admitted.
     “Why did Rafael tell me to come here? What do you have to do with anything?”
    “Well, a couple things, I guess. Look, I ain’t gonna tell you I think Rafael’s doing
     the right thing, but you oughta hear him out, ’specially since he might not even choose
     you anyway.”
    Gee, thanks.
    “You’d be helpin’ some good folks, if his crazy idea works. I told him he was crazy
     when he came to me, but he knows I’d never lie for him if I thought he was twistin’
     the truth or tryin’ to do something wrong. And I won’t tell you why he’s so set on
     this fool plan of his, ’cept that it’s for family, and family’s sacred—to me and him
     both. I believe one-hundred percent his job offer’s just that—the strangest damned
     job a woman could get rich doing.”
    “Any other reason you’re in this?”
    “Well, I’m gonna sound full of myself, but ain’t nobody gonna believe a marriage here
     in Truth is legit if I’m not right there in the weddin’ party. Last couple that got
     hitched here had me and Babe drive ’em to the bus stop to take off on their honeymoon.
     Made the front page of the Truth Trumpet.”
    Esme nodded. “So—and I’m not asking advice, because like you said, I’m a big girl
     with a counseling degree—I should talk to Rafael Benton one more time? Give him a
     chance to explain this … weird predicament.”
    Lillie Mae beamed. “Knew you were a smart girl.” She winked. “When you’re as old as
     me, dumb’s just plain easy to see.”
    Esme smiled slightly in spite of herself. Truth be known, she often told herself something
     similar. “So I just have one last question,” she added.
    “Hit me,” Lillie Mae invited.
    “What’s up with the stupid steer? I mean, okay, the Hill Country, tourists, Texas
     state large mammal, but …”
    Lillie Mae drew herself up. “Don’t never insult one of my longhorns,” she warned.
     “My ma and pa raised ’em afore me. They’re family.” She finished her water without
     lowering the glass, then set it down. “Besides,” she said, conspiratorially, “they’re
     our only claim to fame. Bandera is older and claimed the ‘Cowboy Capital of the World’
     title long ago. So we have to do more to attract attention. They have longhorns all
     over, but ours are more public. We had Cody, for awhile. And we’re lookin’ for the
     next big thing. Meanwhile, I bring Babe to town most every day.”
    “For this little one horse town?”
    “One bull town,” Lillie Mae amended, then laughed out loud. “Okay, not quite a bull,
     but close. Lots of tourists don’t ask or know where to look. And honey, this town?
     I love it. I’d do anything to keep it from dryin’ up the way so many do.”
    Esme fished a bill out of her wallet and stood, laying the bill on the table. “Nice
     to meet you, Lillie Mae. Take care.” She bit back an urge to tell the old woman she’d
     talk to Rafael Benton again. She would, but it wasn’t anyone’s business but hers.
    • • •
    The dogs weren’t on the porch and Rafael’s flashy pickup wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
I’m batting a thousand. First I don’t call my aunt Tina, now I don’t call Rafael Benton.
She glanced at her truck. Her cell phone was in the cup holder of the console, and
     her aunt had given her his number. Or, she could march up the stairs and ask the snotty
     Ms. Thompson where she could find him. Marie didn’t like her, and that knowledge

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