Hollywood Lust

Hollywood Lust by M. Z. Kelly Page B

Book: Hollywood Lust by M. Z. Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Z. Kelly
    “I rest my case.”
    “This isn’t a court of law,” Leo said with his ever-present smile. Despite Alex trying to stir things up, the big detective kept his deep voice even. “And what I meant was that Cold Case has a different way of working cases. Since this homicide is now active again, it makes perfect sense to check it out.”
    Oz interrupted Alex before he could respond, looking at Selfie and Molly. “Let’s see what you find out. If nothing turns up in a day or two, we’ll move on.”
    I then mentioned going by the coroner’s office and Leo’s theory about Carla Hodge’s killer being left handed, something that Alex discounted, before adding, “The next thing you’re going to tell us is that the killer has green eyes and walks with a limp.”
    I’d had enough. “Actually, no. We suspect he’s overweight and has a mustache.”
    Selfie put a hand over her mouth but still giggled.
    “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Alex barked.
    “It means, I’ve had it with you discounting every lead we develop. If you’ve got a better idea how to work this case, let’s hear it.”
    My tubby partner turned red. “We just…we work it…like any other case. We put boots on the ground and look for real leads.”
    Oz again headed off the confrontation, this time our elderly lieutenant not mincing any words. “We stop all this back-biting right now.” His gaze swept over the room, locking in on each of us. “We work these cases for the victims, not out of ego or petty differences.”
    The room was silent for a long moment before I mentioned what I’d learned from Wilma Bibby. “Confidential Records Solutions has the contract to do the shredding for several of the department’s divisions, including R&I. My friend Wilma thinks some of their employees are pretty immature. We’re trying to get a list of names together and see if anybody working there had a connection to Reeder or Hodge.”
    “Let’s move on that today,” Oz said. “I got a call from the captain. The brass is worried about the press getting ahold of the information about the knife being taken from our evidence room. I want you to go by the shredding company today and put some pressure on them.”
    “I think we should also follow-up with Reeder’s ex-wife,” Leo said. “Maybe the passage of time has jogged something loose in her memory.”
    Alex drew in a breath and released it like a radiator venting steam, but kept quiet.
    Oz looked at him and then turned to the rest of us. “Anything else?”
    After we said there was nothing, the lieutenant excused everyone but asked me to stay behind for a moment. When we were alone, he seemed to relax for the first time all morning.
    “So on a scale of one to ten, how bad is it really?” he asked.
    I knew he was talking about working with Alex. “About a twelve.”
    He rubbed his chin, regarding me. “That’s what I expected. He’s just…”
    “An asshole.”
    Oz nodded. “There’s that, and…” He smiled. “Just do your best. I’m working on that permanent partner for you, so don’t give up hope.”
    “I appreciate that.” I stood up and started to get Bernie when he asked me to wait.
    “Remember that TV show we talked about the other day?”
    I sat down again and said, “Don’t tell me.”
    “The department has agreed to shoot a pilot episode. They want Section One involved.”
    “I have absolutely no interest in being on the show.”
    “I understand, but…”
    I waited while he brushed a hand through his snowy hair, maybe trying to find a way to be diplomatic. He finally said, “You’re going to get a call, asking that you participate. When it comes, just hear them out. If you still say you’re not interested, I’ll go to bat for you with the brass, try to keep you out of it.”
    “I assume the call is going to come from the chief.”
    Oz shook his head. “No, but I’m not at liberty to say anything more right now. I just wanted to prepare you.”

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