Holy Shift!

Holy Shift! by Robert Holden

Book: Holy Shift! by Robert Holden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Holden
    Your Will and mine.
    Can dreams content me?
    Can illusions bring me happiness?
    What but Your memory can
    satisfy Your Son?
    I will accept no less than You
    have given me.
    I am surrounded by Your Love,
    forever still, forever gentle and
    forever safe.
    God’s Son must be as
    You created him.
    Workbook-p II. Lesson 272. 1:1-8.

    Father, Your peace is mine.
    What need have I to fear that
    anything can rob me of what
    You would have me keep?
    I cannot lose Your gifts to me.
    And so the peace You gave
    Your Son is with me still,
    in quietness and in my own
    eternal love for You.
    Workbook-p II. Lesson 273. 2:1-4.


    Today belongs to love.
    Let me not fear.
    Workbook-p II. Lesson 274.

    There are many answers you have already received but have not yet heard.
    I assure you that they are waiting for you.
    Text-9. II. 3:6-7.

    What is the Word of God?
    â€œMy Son is pure and holy as Myself.”
    Workbook-p II. Lesson 276. 1:1-2.

    Every loving thought is true.
    Everything else is an appeal for healing and help, regardless of the form it takes.
    Text-12. I. 3:3-4.

    Whenever you deny a blessing to a brother you will feel deprived, because denial is as total as love.
    Text-7. VII. 1:1.

    The end of dreams is promised me, because God’s Son is not abandoned by His Love.
    Only in dreams is there a time when he appears to be in prison, and awaits a future freedom, if it be at all.
    Yet in reality his dreams are gone, with truth established in their place.
    And now is freedom his already. Should I wait in chains which have been severed for release, when God is offering me freedom now?
    Workbook-p II. Lesson 279. 1:1-5.

    It is impossible for a child of God to love his neighbor except as himself.
    That is why the healer’s prayer is:
    Let me know this brother as I know myself.
    Text-5. Intro. 3:6-8.

    Father, Your Son is perfect.
    When I think that I am hurt in any
    way, it is because I have forgotten
    who I am, and that I am as You
    created me. Your Thoughts can
    only bring me happiness. If ever
    I am sad or hurt or ill, I have
    forgotten what You think, and put
    my little meaningless ideas in
    place of where Your Thoughts
    belong, and where they are.
    I can be hurt by nothing but my
    thoughts. The Thoughts I think
    with You can only bless.
    The Thoughts I think with You
    alone are true.
    Workbook-p II. Lesson 281. 1:1-7.

    All healing is essentially the release from fear.
    Text-2. IV. 1:7.

    Father, I made an image of
    myself, and it is this I call the
    Son of God. Yet is creation as it
    always was, for Your creation is
    unchangeable. Let me not
    worship idols. I am he my
    Father loves. My holiness
    remains the light of Heaven and
    the Love of God. Is not what is
    beloved of You secure? Is not
    the light of Heaven infinite?
    Is not Your Son my true Identity,
    when You created everything
    that is?
    Workbook-p II. Lesson 283. 1:1-8.

    Comparison must be an ego device, for love makes none.
    Text-24. II. 1:1.

    Today I wake with joy, expecting but the happy things of God to come to me.
    Workbook-p II. Lesson 285. 1:1.

    Father, how still today! How quietly do all things fall in place! This is the day that has been chosen as the time in which I come to understand the lesson that there is no need that I do anything. In You is every choice already made. In You has every conflict been resolved. In You is everything I hope to find already given me. Your peace is mine. My heart is quiet, and my mind at rest. Your Love is Heaven, and Your Love is mine.
    Workbook-p II. Lesson 286. 1:1-9.

    In any situation in which you are uncertain, the first thing to consider, very simply, is “What do I want to come of this? What is it for?”
    The clarification of the goal belongs at

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