Howl of the Wolf (Heirs to the Throne Book 1)
program.  On his deathbed, I held my father’s hand, hoping to ease his pain… his faith eased mine.  Later the Institute realized that gene-altering skin color doesn’t work, so his sacrifice was wasted.”  Chella gazed into the distance.  “The Institute fears religion.  People who believe in an afterlife rebel against Transfer.  I may join the Sisters on Drako to dedicate myself to God’s work—not to escape men.” 
    Maggie lowered her eyes.  “I know.  Please don’t take offense.”
    Chella’s hearty laugh broke the somber mood.  “Then just tell Trenton.  He teases me unmercifully.”
    “Trenton’s a lost cause!”  Maggie twisted a red curl of hair.  “He can’t believe anyone would deliberately choose to live without sex.  It’s against his religion.”
    The comline beeped.  “All hands report to the bridge for a briefing,” the voice said.  Within minutes the crew crowded onto the bridge.
    Donovan scanned the expectant faces. “You understand our reasons for fleeing from the Institute.  We’re about to enter orbit, so we wanted you to hear Trenton describe the world we’ve chosen as our sanctuary.”
    Trenton stood.  “I’ve often bragged about the beauty of my home world, and I’m sometimes prone to exaggerate…” Laughter erupted and Trenton grinned.  “You’ll see first-hand that I understated the beauty of Drako.” 
    He activated a screen that displayed a solar system chart.  “Drako is the fourth planet of a two-sun system.  The secondary sun is a gas giant located at the far end of the planetary system and only visible from Drako for half the year.  Downworld it looks like a large red moon and locals call it the dark moon.” 
    The screen zoomed in on the planet with its blue oceans and lush green continental masses.  “Drako has an Earth-like climate.  It was colonized as a recreation planet by rugged individuals searching for a simple lifestyle, and for several spans Drako operated as an amusement park for wealthy vacationers.  Eventually tourism failed but the colonists were happy.  They were fed up with gawking sightseers and wanted to live a rural life free of technology.  The government is feudal, filled with castles, kings, knights, and commoners.  We’ve got crystal-clear lakes, pollution-free rivers, lush forests, green fields, majestic mountains, hot deserts, and the sweetest air and water this side of the galaxy.  Everything on Drako is real.  The various social groups were modeled after ancient Earth cultures but have been left alone for many spans.  Any questions?”
    Chella asked, “If this planet is so idyllic, why has the Institute stayed away?”
    Trenton grinned.  “After tourists stopped coming, the colonists were afraid of offworld interference and built a planetary defense system.  They stopped spaceships from landing without specific entry codes.”
    Donovan interrupted, “The planetary defense system is one reason we chose Drako.”
    “How do we breach the defense system?” a crewman asked.
    Trenton grinned.  “I know the entry codes.”
    “How do you know the codes are still good?”
    “I contacted a downworld friend, who granted us safe entry.  I left over seven spans ago, but my source confirmed their feudal system is still intact.  Their king agrees to grant us sanctuary.”
    Donovan said, “Trenton gave us his private historical tapes about Drako.  Please study them carefully and form discussion groups to pool knowledge.  Trenton will answer questions during shift changes.  We land at 0900 tomorrow and my Transfer is scheduled after touchdown.  No one may leave the ship without clearance.  Should a problem arise, Trenton will assume command.  Anyone on active duty, please return to your post.”
    Jarrack seethed with anger.  They expect to escape the Institute and settle on a backward planet.  I must contact the Institute, but how?  I’ll make sure Donovan dies during Transfer

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