Human Interaction
not that. In fact, he's still in the big jerk category as far as I'm concerned." I frowned up at the tall blond vampire.
    A grin tugged at his lips. "The big jerk category, huh?"
    "Yep." I wasn't sure the source of his amusement. I still ached from Meat's comments. "The flowers helped a bit, but by no means is he out of the doghouse with me." I didn't realize I mumbled that comment aloud until Ducky chuckled.
    "In the doghouse, is he?" His smile widened.
    Rolling my eyes, I shrugged. Honestly, I wasn't sure I wanted to get into this discussion with Meat, let alone with his sidekick. "Why haven't you eaten me?" I looked up and met his dark eyes.
    Without answering, he glanced around once more and hauled me through a side door, up a flight of steps, and down a narrow hall. Finding the door he wanted, he opened it and pulled me inside.
    The tiny dressing room contained a couple of chairs, a big mirror, and an open closet packed with costumes. He gestured to one seat and took the other, waiting for me to sit.
    "So?" I plopped down. "Is it because you're afraid I'm contagious? You are what you eat theory? Friends of the family?"
    Large fingers ruffled through his hair. He gave a little shrug. "You're a single mother with small kids. If we ate you, what would happen to those boys?" His eyes met mine.
    I swallowed hard. He knew about my kids? I could only return his stare.
    "Yes, I know about your family. All of them."
    "Oh." My Enforcer family and vampires haven't always seen eye to eye. So, Ducky knowing such personal details sent a small shiver of concern down my spine.
    "We aren't rabid animals," he growled in my direction, obviously insulted.
    Quickly, I amended. "I never thought you were, Dica… mon… men… duc… nemis." He frowned. I tried once more. "Duc… a nem… dic… a neme." I can't say his name to save my life. But, out of respect for his recent saving of my life, I could at least try.
    His eyes crossed briefly before he shook his head. Full lips tilted upward and twitched. "Not even close."
    "But… but…" I sighed in defeat. This certainly wasn't turning out to be my day. At least he said they wouldn't eat me. For now. When the boys were grown, I guess I was back on the dessert bar. Oh, boy. "I'm sorry. I seem to be making a hash of things and I don't mean to." I looked downward, watching my tennis shoe rub back and forth against the cement floor.
    "How about a compromise?"
    My gaze jerked up. "Compromise?"
    He nodded. "I don't care for the names you call me now. But, I see you're never going to learn to pronounce my real name, no matter how much practice you have."
    My head bobbed in return. Like that was a huge revelation.
    "Call me Ducian."
    "Ducian," I mimicked.
    He nodded. "Much better than Ducky." A slow smile followed.
    How could I compete with that logic? "Ducian it is." I returned his grin.
    "Good. Now sit here while I fetch your doghouse kitty."
    "Wait! I don't know…" The door shut behind him, leaving me alone. "That I want to speak to him." I finished the sentence in a quiet mumble to myself.
    My toes drummed out a beat on the wooden floor, my fingers thumped on my thigh as I waited. My gaze locked on the wardrobe just a couple feet away. With nothing better to do, I walked over and began thumbing through each article, hanger by hanger. Not everyone had the opportunity to check out the wardrobe of an exotic male dancer. Amazing what strip club dancers wear. Everything from caveman print to leather, chaps to… a pink tutu? I pulled the tutu out, holding it up against me. Who would've thought?
    The door opened quickly, with Meat stepping in, filling up the small space. His eyes traveled from my face to the outfit I held as the door closed behind him. "Nice choice. You wearing that for me?"
    I gasped. Indignation surged to the forefront. "No. I found this in your collection. I assumed you would be wearing this tonight on stage. Unless maybe a lover accidentally left it here…?"
    "Touché," he

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