Human Interaction
the front porch, a huge bouquet of flowers in hand. Multiple colors of roses blended perfectly with baby's breath and a handful of tiger lily blooms.
    I twisted the bolt on the storm door and opened it enough to partially step out. "Can I help you?" My eyes glanced toward the vehicle. The Flower Specialists , it read.
    The lady smiled at me. "I have a delivery for Shy McDaniel."
    "Oh. That's me." I gave her an odd look. For the life of me I didn't know of anyone that would send me such an arrangement out of the blue.
    She handed me a clipboard with a paper on it. "If you would just sign here, I can be on my way."
    "Sure." I scribbled my signature then took the heavy vase from her hands.
    "I have a penis," Sasha announced proudly, having opened the glass door enough to stand beside my leg, his little hand fastened to my jeans.
    Her eyes twinkled as she chuckled. "Oh, you do?" she addressed him as she shot me an amused look. By her calm, amused reaction and appearance, she reminded me of someone's grandmother, one that heard all the silly boasts of small children before.
    My face heated. Leave it to my son to share his favorite word of the week with a total stranger.
    He nodded sincerely back to her. Her smile widened as she glanced my direction. "He's adorable."
    "Thank you. For the flowers too." I gave her a little wave and headed back in, nudging Sasha ahead of me.
    Chance hastened over, looking up at the bright colors in my hand. "What's that?"
    I found the card nestled between a pastel pink and a bright white rose. "Flowers. Beautiful flowers," I mumbled in answer, my attention focused on opening the card. My breath caught as I read the inscription.
    "Forgive me. M."
    * * * *
    I made my way through the front doors of the strip club for the third time in just a couple of weeks. The now familiar mountain of a bouncer only shook his head and stuck his hand out for the cover charge fee. Dutifully, I handed the money over and flipped my hand in order to be stamped. A small finger wave and a wan smile followed.
    Formalities completed, I entered the main room, peering at the masses of women already there. Friday night and the place hopped. A pair of young ladies even occupied my small corner table.
    After the huge bouquet of flowers had arrived this morning, I'd spent a couple of hours debating what to do. Seven days had passed since Meat's accusations. They still stung. But, the floral gift had led me to believe that maybe he'd realized his mistake, and now sincerely wanted to apologize. I'd decided to visit the club once more, accept his apology, and then continue on with my life. Each day I'd thrown myself into school, work, and my boys, trying to push Meat and his surly accusations behind me. The research project had been finished ahead of schedule, thanks to the free time away from observation hours at the club. While I might not have spent the required twenty hours at the booming and loud social place, I counted the kidnapping day as all part of the whole scientific process. Two evenings at the joint and twenty-four hours with kidnappers sufficed in my book. Might as well get something from such a traumatic event.
    My eyes raked the room once more, frantically searching for an empty table, even a single unused seat. Anywhere to sit and wait.
    Someone poked me from behind. Turning, I looked up. "Oh, hi."
    Ducky tilted his head in my direction. "Came back for more, huh?"
    I lowered my eyes. "I… I needed to thank…"
    "Meat?" He interjected.
    Nodding, I chewed my lip, my belly fluttered with nervousness. What did I have to be nervous about anyway? I was there to deliver my thanks and then leave. Simple as that. Right?
    He scanned the room, grabbed my elbow, and tugged me along. "Come on."
    "What? Where are we going?" I asked, trying to keep up with his long strides and not trip over furniture and others' feet in the process.
    "To see your knight in shining armor," he answered flatly.
    "Whoa!" I dug my heels in. "He's

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