
Hunger by Harmony Raines Page A

Book: Hunger by Harmony Raines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harmony Raines
up, his colours slipping from his control as he lost his grip on his already frayed temper. “This threatens to change the way we live forever.”
    “As did the extinction of the females of our species in the times of the great sorrow, Ishk. We have never found a more reliable species to breed with.”
    “Reliable? Is that what you think humans are? Look what they have done to themselves.”
    “And look what we have done to ourselves, Ishk. We are on the brink of extinction. The prime only lasts for another five years. Surely you can see the sense of making sure our species never gets to this stage again. Space is a vast place; we have searched farther than any generation before us. The wormhole technology is stretched to its limit to enable us to visit Earth. Let us take this chore away from our next generation and those that come after.”
    “They live a different life span to us, Lytril. They will die, and what then?”
    “A colony on another planet will keep a constant source of breeding females available to us,” Lytril said firmly. “We have discussed this.”
    “Yes, and made plans, in my absence. Although I thought I was an equal member of this council.” Ishk made sure his words lingered to hit home the implications of ostracising a necessary part of the council. The farming belt was the single most important part of the workforce.
    “We simply asked the scientific team to locate planets they feel may be suitable for exploration, planets we have visited over the last few centuries. The plan is to send teams out to explore them.”
    “So we will still be sending our people out into space, not to hunt for breeding partners, but instead we are on some mission to find habitable planets for the humans.”
    “Yes, but we are using data already collected. The dangers are greatly reduced.” The Hier Commander rose now to give his support to the Hier Ruler.
    Outmanoeuvred, and outvoted, he looked around the table and knew he was alone. His frustration grew. “Fathers have been the sole guardians of our children for generations. Why change things? Do you want our sons to lose two parents, Lytril? Surely you know the depth of grief that was sustained during the loss of our fathers. It was almost too much; I would spare our sons the prospect of twice that grief. The mothers of our children should not become part of their lives.”
    Ishk was shocked at his own words. Looking down, he saw the bright blues and greens flashing across his skin and then they passed, his hands becoming red. Lytril placed his hand on Ishk’s. Ishk wanted to pull away, but it was the Hier Ruler’s right to read any Karalian, including members of the Hier Council, whilst in this chamber.
    “I think I understand you now, Ishk,” Lytril said quietly.
    Ishk pulled his hand away and left, slamming the door behind him.
    Until this stupid lottery had started, there had never been disagreements. Now they were like splintered wood, and he couldn’t see a way of repairing the damage.

Chapter Twenty – Evie
    “Evie.” As if she had conjured him from the clean, clear air, Ishk was behind her, walking through the house and into the garden. When he saw her, he stopped in his tracks. “You look different.”
    “Do you like it? Okil came over with some clothes. He introduced me to Celia and Elissa. Don’t worry,” she added hastily, “I didn’t invite them in.”
    “I see. And what did they have to say?” Ishk asked, his voice flat.
    “Nothing really. Just to welcome me, and they gave me some toiletries, moisturiser and shampoo, that sort of thing. And the clothes.” She stood up awkwardly, her legs stiff. She stood smiling at him, wanting him to be happy in some small way. But the frown on his face told her he would never be happy with her. “Did your council meeting not go how you wanted it to?”
    “Why would you ask that?” A flash of red crossed his face.
    “Well, you don’t look too happy. So it’s either me, this dress

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