Hunter Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #2
when you spring up in
bed and are mad at someone for something they didn’t do or afraid
of something that never happened? Like that . Only these
things were real and now they were hunting me . Sascha walked
me to the back door of my house. Ronan had stayed behind. I missed
    “Cara is good Wolf. She misses her
    “Who’s her brother?”
    “Her brother died in accident. Motorcycle.
The investigation is no good.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “He’s Werewolf. We ride motorcycle very good.
They say it is an accident, she says no. She misses him.”
    “What does that have to do with me?”
    “He was on a mission for the Hounds. Rolf
orders missions. You are his granddaughter. She should not take it
out on you though, printzyessa . Old wounds sometimes take
longer to heal.”
    “Why does everyone call me that?”
    “Because it is who you are. Me, I am
Sascha.” He looked at me as if this was the simplest explanation.
Completely obvious. Uh huh, right.
    “Goodnight, Sascha.” I smiled and closed the
    I took the steps two at a time. Everyone was
in bed already. I had been getting to bed later and later. It was
getting ridiculous, but I guess Werewolves don’t need much rest
because I felt great every morning.
    I so should not have said that. No doubt I’d
be up all night. I got in bed and closed my eyes. As usual I said a
quick prayer.
    Hey, it’s me again. I guess I’m addressing
this prayer to anyone listening. Why me? Oh Lord, why me? I’m not
sure I am right for this path You have chosen for me. Give me
strength, patience and wisdom to see it through. Help me find out
what happened to my parents. Please.
    I fell asleep immediately after I finished
praying. I dreamt of a place with dark tunnels and dirt floors.
There was no light, but my Werewolf eyes adjusted. I smelled
dampness and mold. I listened for noises to lead me in any
direction. but it was quiet as a tomb. That’s when I came upon the
first body.
    It was crouched on the floor hands up as if
trying to shield itself from something. It looked like a mummy. Its
skin was like leather, completely sucked dry. Like an empty husk.
No wonder I smelled nothing. There was no blood left. That’s when I
noticed the two puncture marks on the neck.
    I gave a quick sniff, my muzzle scrunched up
in revulsion. Definitely dead . There was nothing I could do
but move on. I passed some more corpses. They were like the first
only these were bound and gagged. Some had torn limbs and others
were clutching each other. They were all frozen in their last
moments of life.
    Horrific expressions remained on their sunken
in faces. Men and women, young and old. The beasts who did this did
not discriminate. It was as if every last drop of fluid had been
stolen from each body. Preserving them in their terror. I wished
there was something I could do, but they were long gone.
    I sniffed and noticed a few things. These
were the remains of people the Vamps had fed on, but the feasting
had not been done in the tunnels. I’d smell it if blood was spilled
there. These poor people were simply thrown away. Where no one
would ever find them.
    I could hardly breathe for the pain of their
families, the ones they left behind. They would never have closure.
Never know what happened to their loved ones. Bad enough to murder
innocent people, but to rob their families of knowing what
happened. It was too much.
    I kept moving. I had to leave my pity behind
with them. Slowly and cautiously I continued on. The tunnels were
empty. Not a rat or bug in sight. Then I smelled it. Death, rot,
the distinct metallic tang of spilled blood. Vampires.
    The tunnels gave way to a basement. It was
cold and dark. I could hear someone or something walking on the
floor above me. I snarled in defense. The slow shuffling of that
someone’s footsteps abruptly stopped.
    Crap! Me and my big mouth. The better to
eat you with I guess. I waited behind the wooden stairs that
led to the above floor. The

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