Hunter's Montana Bride (Montana Ranchers and Brides #8)
    For what seemed like a very long time he looked deep into her eyes. Eventually she saw his gaze lower, his shoulders lose their tightness. His brows furrowed and he seemed to be considering what she'd said. After a few moments, during which the sound of the chirping birds seemed to become unnaturally loud, Gretchen heard Hunter speak. "Fine, Gretchen. You know I'm not an unreasonable man. I can wait," he said.
    Gretchen felt her heart immediately lighten. She reached out toward Hunter but he took a step back. A serious expression came over his face. "But I won't wait forever. I need you to know that I do understand that you have your reasons for not telling me the whole story," he said. "But I can't wait too long. I'm not going to have this barrier between us for the rest of our life together."
    Hunter came to Gretchen and took her by the shoulders. For a brief moment she was certain he was going to lean down and kiss her. In fact she hoped he would. There was a torrent of emotions sweeping through her body and a kiss was just what she needed to calm that raging sea.
    But he didn't kiss her.
    Instead, Hunter held Gretchen gently and peered into her eyes. "Do you understand me, Gretchen? There can be no secrets," he said slowly.
    Gretchen felt her heart sink as quickly as it had risen seconds before. She nodded. "I understand, Hunter," she said quietly.
    Then he let her go and turned suddenly. He paused and looked at Gretchen. "I think I might go into town, after all," he said.
    And then he started to make his way across the yard. Gretchen watched him walk away from her. Just as she was about to start to follow him, the front door of the ranch house opened and Mrs. Roper popped her head out. Gretchen went to her. "Is there something wrong, Mrs. Roper?"
    The housekeeper glanced toward the receding figure of Hunter and then smiled reassuringly. "Lewis is starting to get unsettled," she explained.
    Gretchen turned and watched Hunter heading for the stable. She sighed and followed Mrs. Roper back into the house to attend to the only thing that, right at this moment, seemed to offer any hope of certainty in her life.


    Later that morning there was the most pleasant surprise when three carriages trundled noisily into the front yard. Each of the carriages had a familiar and very friendly face on board, as well as some extremely welcome little surprises.
    Gretchen was looking out the kitchen window when she saw the carriages pull to a halt amidst a cloud of yard dust. "Mrs. Roper. Looks like we've got visitors. Did you know they were coming?"
    Mrs. Roper shook her head and wiped her hands on her apron, peering out the window. Gretchen saw the housekeeper's eyes narrow as she tried to recognize who had just arrived. "Why, I do believe these ladies are all rancher wives," she said. "Much like yourself now, Gretchen," she said with a smile.
    Mrs. Roper craned her head. "I can see Chloe McIntyre, Abby Grantly and Elise Cooper. And they've brought the little ones. My oh my! This is going to be lovely. Just as well I baked some biscuits this morning," she said with a relieved sigh.
    Gretchen felt a surge of panic. She glanced down at her plain cotton, blue dress. "I'm not ready for a social meeting," she stated with barely disguised panic in her voice.
    "Never you mind, Miss. Gretchen. You look just fine. These ladies are used to seeing folks dressed down for ranch living," she said.
    Gretchen suddenly wondered if she was indeed "dressed down", and whether or not that would make entirely the wrong impression. It had been almost a year since she'd spoken to any of the three women who'd just arrived. Gretchen wondered what they would think of her. Would they think it strange that Hunter wasn't around, especially since it was first full day since Gretchen had arrived back home?
    "Don't you think I need to change? Put something pretty on?" Gretchen asked the housekeeper.
    Mrs. Roper scowled in a friendly manner, shaking her

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