Storm Warning

Storm Warning by Kadi Dillon

Book: Storm Warning by Kadi Dillon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kadi Dillon
a chalkboard. Her fists begged her to punch him in his pointy nose, but reason held them in check. Charlie would cheerfully file charges on her if she so much as flicked him.
    “Charlie, ” she said in a tone as pleasant as she could muster.
    “Well, it’s been years. You look absolutely gorgeous. I knew you’d grow into your eyes.”
    “If that’s a compliment, thank you. Otherwise, go to hell.” She gave him a brittle smile, then turned to walk away.
    “ Victoria,” he called her to a halt.
    Grinding her teeth and shifting the heavy load around in her arms, Tory turned back to face the slimy, no-good weasel. “What?”
    “How’s my brother these days?”
    “I wouldn’t know. I left Vance.” She brought her chin up and jerked her shoulder. “Maybe you should give him a call.”
    He inch ed his was over to her. She felt the weight of the sacks in her arms , but ignored the pain they caused . Charlie Johnson was just like his ignorant brother , she thought, bracing . She prepared herself for anything.
    “Why would you leave my brother?”
    “It’s not really any of your business. I s it, Charlie?”
    She turned to leave again , but Charlie’s hand locked ont o her wrist in a vice- like grip. She mashed her teeth together to keep from screaming—not from pain, but from his repulsive touch.
    “Let go of me, Charlie. Or so help me—”
    “What the hell are you going to do? Vance told me what a two-timing whore you are. You can lie all you want , but he knows all about you and your affairs.”
    “My—” She was angry before, but anger couldn’t come close to the rage that boiled inside her. It surged, but she f ought it back down. Anger wasn’ t the way to deal with Charlie or his brother. “I don’t give a damn what you think of me. I don’t care what Vance thinks of me , either . It’s over and done, Charlie. Now let go of me or I swear you’ll be sorry.”
    He stared at her for several blazing seconds , then his hand tightened on her wrist like a steel trap. She swore she felt bone grind sickeningly against bone before he released her with a shove. Several bags went flying to the ground.
    While she caught her breath, she righted herself and concentrated on picking her supplies up off the ground . Tears blurred her vision.
    “You better watch yourself, ” Charlie warned silkily as she turned away.
    Tory brought her chin up and fought to keep her voice steady. “Stay away from me and my team, Charlie. I would hate for you to bite off more than you can chew. Your brother obviously did.”
    Tory turned quickly and stormed into the hotel. She felt her composure slipping. Two more minutes , she begged herself. Get yourself to your room!
    She felt the sting of tears again and blinked them away, b ut more were coming. She reached her door and hurriedly drew out her key. It shook as she tried to slide it into the lock.
    The key slipped from her trembling hands and she bit back a sob.
    “Tory?” The concern in Gabe’s voice had her turning away quickly. She stared at the locked door of her hotel room and drew in a deep breath. He swiftly scooped the key up , opened the door, and pushed her inside.
    He peeled the shopping bags from her frozen arms and tossed them aside. “What happened?”
    She could only shake her head. This was her problem, she kept telling herself. Don’t drag anyone into it.
    “Tory, for God’s sake, tell me what happened!”
    “It’s nothing.” Her voice was steady and the trembling was already ceasing. She would be fine, she told herself tersely . Get a grip!
    “Then why are you shaking? And fighting tears?” He grabbed her arm in a firm but painless grip. “And where the hell did you get this?” He rubbed his thumb over the bruise that was already forming on her wrist.
    “I fell and I—”
    “ Don’t lie to me,” h e warned in a low, vibrating voice.
    Tory swallowed and trained her gaze on Gabe’s shoulder. So much strength there, she thought, but he never

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