I Spy a Naughty Game
son of a bitch,” she fumed. “Make myself useful, my ass.”
    “If it’s any consolation, I’m your escort for the evening,” he said softly, his liquid gaze sweeping her from head to toe in appreciation. “He’ll be so busy that he won’t bother you tonight except to keep an eye on your whereabouts.”
    “This is supposed to comfort me? I’m going to be basically half naked in a roomful of strangers doing God-knows-what,” she said hoarsely.
    “Yes. But I promise to keep everyone else away from you, make your evening—and the duration of your stay—as pleasurable as possible.”
    Emma’s nipples tightened under his heated regard. There was no mistaking his meaning, or how the tone of honesty rang true in his voice. Suddenly, the double edge of his words “the duration of your stay” hit her square in the chest, and she knew what he was trying to say.
    This man was an undercover agent. Not from SHADO, but from some other organization. Maybe a Fed. She wasn’t alone, and her relief was overwhelming.
    “I see,” she said with a nod, but didn’t elaborate. He nodded back. They both knew Dietz could be monitoring her room, and blowing his cover would be fatal for them both. “May I have your first name, at least? Since you’re going to be my date and all.” “J.C.”
    “You can call me Emma.”
    “Until tonight, gorgeous Emma.” He flashed her a smile and turned to go, locking the door behind him.
    She lowered herself to the bed with a shaky sigh, mind whirling. Unsatisfied arousal thrummed through her body, made worse by the circumstances surrounding tonight’s command performance. The combination of danger and eroticism was a heady aphrodisiac. Not to mention the fact that her escort was a mouthwatering stick of manly candy, and one of the good guys to boot.
    She wanted J.C. It was purely selfish, completely intoxicating. Would it be wrong to indulge? Would Blaze be angry, or would he understand?
    Sex is natural, baby. There’s nothing shameful about two or more consenting adults taking pleasure in each other’s bodies.
    Well, he might have to eat those words with a knife and fork, since he was the one who’d put all these adventurous new ideas in her head.
    Grabbing a pillow, she squashed it over her face and tried to drown out her surroundings and the dilemma of this evening.
    Just for a little while.

    Blaze paced SHADO’s command center, snarling at any unfortunate SOB who looked at him sideways. “I thought you said the fucking helicopter had tracking on it,” he shouted, jabbing a finger at Michael’s chest.
    “It does, but they must be jamming the goddamned signal,” his boss replied, batting his hand away.
    “So fix it.”
    “It’s not that simple, and you know it! We’re working on solving the problem, Kelly, so just calm the hell down.”
    “Work on it faster.”
    A roomful of top agents, including Bastian, watched the two of them square off toe to toe, in each other’s faces. Blaze knew he was out of line, making a spectacle of himself, but he was so scared for Emma he couldn’t think straight. Nothing mattered but bringing her home safe and sound in his arms. Whatever he could do to speed up the process, he was all over it.
    “We’re working as fast as we can to unscramble the signal,” Michael said evenly, clasping his shoulder. “Until then, there’s nothing you can do. Go home, Blaze. Get some rest. You’re going to need it when we locate them.”
    “I need to be here—”
    “Go. Home.”
    He took a deep breath. Let it out. His boss’s tone brooked no further argument. He rarely used it on Blaze, which meant he’d become more of a hindrance than a help. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Promise you’ll call me if you find them before I come back in the morning.”
    “You have my word.”
    That wasn’t much reassurance, but it would have to do. He strode out, ignoring the stares boring into his back. Fuck them if they couldn’t understand how

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