I Spy a Wicked Sin
his pants. In seconds, she unbuckled and unzipped him, releasing his cock.
    “Oh, yeah,” she breathed. “No underwear. I love a man who doesn’t waste time.”
    Before he could reply, she sank to her knees and grasped the base of his erection. Then his world spun as her mouth surrounded him, pulled him deep. He spread his legs for her, gave her full access to fondle his balls. She squeezed them with gentle pressure, her lips sliding along his cock, tongue exploring every ridge. Tight, hot suction.
    He could come like this, but he didn’t want to go too soon. “On the bed, sweetheart.”
    “Oh, yes.”
    It was then he heard it. A soft bump that came from the direction of Lily’s room. A rustle of, what? Fabric? So faint he barely discerned the sound—but it wasn’t his imagination. He knew for sure when he heard an almost inaudible intake of breath.
    Lily was watching.
    She’d taken his hint about their connecting door being unlocked, and given in to curiosity. To her lust. At that realization, what had merely been a mutually satisfying encounter became something altogether wicked. His entire body lit as though by a torch, excitement singing in his blood.
    She’d watched them before, but this was different. This time he knew she was there, and could give her a show she’d not forget. One that would have her creaming, her entire body flushed and hot. Perhaps she’d wish she were in Tamara’s place.
    Jude tugged Tamara onto the bed. “Know what I’m going to do to you? I’m going to remove that dress from your gorgeous body, like this.”
    Grasping the hem, he pulled it up and off over her head, careful not to tear the fabric. “Next you’re going to lie back and spread your legs for me, and keep on the thong and those fuck-me shoes.”
    The bed wiggled as she complied. “All right. Now what?” He removed his shirt and tossed it aside, shucked his shoes, socks, and pants, taking a condom from one pocket. He knelt on the bed and laid the condom aside, hyperaware that Lily had a great view of everything he planned to do to the other woman. His cock had never been so hard, or hurt so much.
    “I’m going to kiss my way from your nipples down that pretty body, like this.”
    He did, licking and nibbling each puckered tip, down her flat belly to the top edge of the little scrap of material. Crouching between her thighs, he hooked a finger under the thin strap and pushed it aside, revealing her sex. God, he missed his sight so badly. For once, however, knowing Lily was watching made up for the loss.
    “Now I’m going to tease your sweet pussy until you’re begging for my mouth.” He began to finger the lips of her sex, parting them, making certain her cunt was on display. He massaged her clit, dipped a finger into her moist channel to capture a bit of cream, spread it around.
    “Oh . . . Jude,” she rasped.
    “What, gorgeous?” Two fingers now, fucking her slowly. Another few circles around the clit, sensitizing the nub, driving her crazy by degrees.
    “Please!” She grabbed a handful of hair, making her wishes clear.
    He gave a quiet laugh and found the waist of the thong, worked it down her legs and off. “This is where I eat you until you scream, coming all over my face and begging me to pound my cock into your pussy. Do I have the story right?”
    “Yes! Hurry!”
    “I thought so. Now relax and give yourself over to me,” he said seductively. “Trust me and I’ll make you fly.”
    On his knees, he scooped his hands under her ass, lifted her off the bed, and brought her sex to his mouth. He had an image of feasting on a juicy watermelon in the summertime, and figured that to be a good analogy.
    Pink, succulent flesh yielding to his will. Spilling its sweetness onto his taste buds, making him lap it up, loath to waste a drop. He stabbed his tongue deep into her sheath, fucking her that way, swirling, and out again, licking up to her clit. He repeated this several times and she began to thrash,

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