I Spy a Wicked Sin
sounded and the door to his suite opened. “Jude? Tamara’s here,” Liam announced.
    “In the flesh,” she said, swishing toward him.
    Liam moved past them. “I’ll leave the champagne and glasses on the table by the window, along with a small tray of chocolate-covered strawberries to start.”
    “Perfect, thanks.”
    “When do you want dinner served?”
    “Give us half an hour?”
    “You got it.”
    Jude considered inviting Liam to play later. His friend sometimes joined him for a ménage, and thoroughly enjoyed himself when he did. But Jude knew Liam preferred one threesome in particular. And that trio didn’t involve Jude.
    Liam gave no indication he’d like to hang around, so Jude took his cue and let it go.
    When the door clicked shut, Tamara ran her palms down the front of his dress shirt. “You seem different tonight.”
    “Really? How so?”
    “I’m not sure. More upbeat, maybe.”
    “I suppose I am.” A wet tongue grazed his ear. “I’m not as tense as I’ve been. But then, you have that effect on me.”
    “Glad to hear it,” she said in a low voice. She pressed into him, full breasts squashing against his chest. “You look scrumptious, all GQ in your white shirt and gray dress pants.”
    “I clean up okay. What about you? What are you wearing?” Moving back a shade, he touched her hair, pleased to find it loose.
    “Little red dress, clingy, way above midthigh. Plunging neckline. Matching high heels.”
    His groin tingled, and he traced the swell of one breast. His other hand crept under the hem of the dress, up her smooth thigh to a bare ass cheek. “No underwear?”
    Groaning, he released her. “How am I supposed to get through our appetizer, much less dinner?”
    She giggled. “There’s something to be said for willpower. The wait makes the fruit sweeter.”
    “We’ll test the theory and draw out the anticipation, then. Want to sit?” He gestured in the general direction of the table.
    “Yes. And what a lovely table it is, with the bubbly and the strawberries. Thank you, Jude.”
    “Thank Liam. I just ask him to make it fabulous, and he does.”
    “My compliments to him, in that case. I’ll tell him myself, later.”
    Tamara poured the champagne and placed strawberries on little plates Liam provided. Jude sipped his drink and smiled in his date’s direction as she exclaimed over every small thing. She complimented his paintings as well, not mincing words that it would take some time to find his groove in developing his new style.
    She was a refreshing, genuine woman, a charming companion, and he found himself having a good time. No matter how much he was looking forward to another taste of her lush body, he wouldn’t have tolerated her presence if he didn’t like her as a person. He wasn’t someone who could completely disassociate and just have sex without clicking with a lover. Even with a stranger, he had to find the other person interesting.
    Liam outdid himself on dinner, and they ate, making small talk, the sexual tension stretching like a laser beam between them. When Jude finished his crème brûlée, he’d about reached his breaking point.
    “God, that was heaven,” he said, pushing his chair from the table. “Are you finished?”
    “Only with the food,” she replied huskily.
    He rose, holding out a hand. “Come here.”
    She clasped his fingers and stood, and he pulled her close. Nuzzled her neck, her musky perfume arousing him. His dick tented his trousers, fully hard and begging to be freed. He ignored it for a moment, cupping her breasts through the sheer dress, grazing the nipples with his thumbs.
    They sprang to attention and he investigated the neckline, glad to find it cut so low all he had to do was part the material to reveal naked flesh. The mounds were weighty in his hands and he bent, laved the areola. Sucked each one greedily, rolled them with his tongue.
    He liked the little noises of pleasure she made as her fingers strayed to

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