Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3)

Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) by Ivan Kal

Book: Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) by Ivan Kal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ivan Kal
immediately the room exploded with questions. Words Sowir and Attack were thrown out more than once. Jusan chose to keep his cool.
    Tavaar brought his hands up, putting them in front of himself, palms turned towards his chest in a placating gesture. The room quieted and Tavaar continued.
    “No. We have a patrol close by, and they have concluded that the ships do not belong to the Sowir Dominion, nor to any other race of the Consortium.” Stunned silence met Tavaar’s words, and he kept talking. “We have received a message from the lead ship. And I must say that it came as a great surprise, as one of our own kind appeared in it. But I will let you see it for yourselves.” With that Tavaar turned to one of the servants who brought up his wrist unit. An instant later the screen on the other side of the room turned on. Immediately Jusan recognized the Nel standing there as Retsar Isani, he had been in charge of the small task force guarding the Nuva colony. He disobeyed orders and chose to remain there when he was ordered back to Nelus, and was presumed lost along with Nuva. But it was the being that stood beside him with its arms crossed behind its back that immediately caught Jusan’s attention. It was obviously not Nel, just as it was obviously similar. Its skin color was strange, sickly yellow, its eyes had only a single pupil, and it had hair above its eyes. If its anatomy was anything similar to Nel, it was male. Just looking at the alien, Jusan could feel a shiver of fear run up through his body, he could feel himself sweating. Then Retsar Isani started speaking.
    “I greet the council.” Isani started with the traditional opening words, when someone addresses the council. “I am Retsar Isani, and I come to you aboard the ship of friends, bringing to you news of Nuva. More than a year ago, Nuva had an unexpected visit from a ship belonging to an unknown race. They came in peace, looking to learn more about an unfamiliar part of space. We made contact with the race of people that called themselves humans, and sent a diplomatic team to meet with the newcomers. Both we and they were shocked, much as I presume you are now, at their appearance which was so similar to ours. But as you all know our position was desperate, and we had no time to get to know them properly. We told them of our plight, of the war with the Sowir and everything that has happened to the Consortium. And soon after, a Sowir task force entered our system on a course for Nuva. The Humans decided to help us, and sent ships to defend Nuva. Together with my ships, we succeeded, but not without a price to both people of Nuva and humans. I tell you all this, so that you know that the humans can be trusted. And I urge you to hear what they have to say.” With that Retsar Isani took a step back. And then the human started to speak.
    “I greet the council.” He said in near flawless Nel, immediately whispers could be heard across the room. Jusan felt another shiver. No, no, no, no! This can’t be happening! It can’t be happening during my lifetime! It was supposed to die with Nelus and me! Jusan screamed in his head.
    The human continued speaking. “I am Fleet Commander Adrian Farkas, and I come to you with an offer of friendship and perhaps more. I know that the war with the Sowir has crippled your people severely, and I know that the Sowir Dominion is a great threat not only to your people, but mine as well. They will eventually spread and reach human territory. And by that time they might be too great to stop. But they must be stopped. Towards that end, I bring you an offer. If you are interested, I require that you send people to meet with me on my ship, which will remain here at the edge of your system. Send them quickly as I cannot stay long, Nuva is still in danger and my people have placed it under our protection.” With that the human bowed his head deeply and the message ended.
    Immediately after the room erupted. Some voicing their

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