Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3)

Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) by Ivan Kal Page A

Book: Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) by Ivan Kal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ivan Kal
disbelief, others requiring more proof. Jusan put his head in his arms as chaos reigned around him. Tavaar called out for order a few times before the room finally quieted.
    “There is more!” Tavaar said. “They have also sent a full record of the battle that occurred in Nuva system. Along with an outline of a written proposal for an Alliance between us.”
    “What do they offer?” Someone called out.
    “According to them, they possess technology that allows them to build ships at a much faster rate than what we are able to. They propose to build ships for us.” Tavaar said.
    Whispering broke out throughout the room, but before anyone could say something Tavaar continued speaking. “I must tell you that my team has analyzed the records of the battle, and coupled with the sensory data from our patrol ships, they came to a preliminary report concerning these human ships.” Tavaar waited until he had the room’s attention before continuing. “The conclusion is that their ships are primitive in make. Constructed from metal alloys, using primitive weapons. They have powerful drives, they have to in order to move those massive things at anything faster than a crawl. But other than that my people assure me they have nothing that will aid us against the Sowir.” Tavaar said.
    “But what of the battle? They won didn’t they?” A voice asked.
    “Yes, but as my people tell me, the nature of their primitive technology caught the Sowir off guard. And then Retsar Isani’s ships alongside the human ships took advantage of their confusion.”
    “And their claim that they can build ships for us much faster than we can?”
    “I have no idea why they would deceive us, and perhaps they can build their primitive metal ships much quicker than we can. But those will not help us much against the Sowir. Of course we will be sending a team to negotiate with them. I was thinking that with the nature of the situation, we send three of our council members to meet with the aliens.” Tavaar said. The room then started the discussion on who will go to negotiate. Tavaar pushed for Sestar Niraas of house Sav Ral, for his military expertise. As he would have the knowledge to see if the humans have anything to offer that Nelus could use against the Sowir. No one argued, even though they knew a push for more power when they saw one. House Sav Ral started as the branch house of Nor Ral, Tavaar’s house. The next one was Sestar Nimuse head of house Jar Tel, clearly another move to increase Tavaar’s standing. Then, as they were to decide the third, Jusan raised his head and spoke.
    “I should go.” The room turned towards him. And Tavaar moved his hand in a sign of confusion.
    “Why should you go Jusan? You have no expertise to offer the team.”
    “On the contrary Tavaar. My expertise might be the most valid. My family has spent generations accumulating wealth from trade. Even if these aliens can’t help us technologically, there is no reasons why they can’t help us through trade. There are many resources that we lack in our systems. And who better to negotiate a trade agreement than house Dai Ven?” Jusan said.
    Tavaar looked at him for a moment and then turned his palm sideways agreeing. “Yes. A trade agreement might suit our needs. Then it is decided. Jusan will be the last member of the team.” Tavaar said, and Jusan could feel a shudder working through his body.

Chapter Eight
    Nelus – House Dai Ven
    Jusan exited the transport car as soon as it landed on top of his family house. The house itself stretched far above the ground, it was more of a city contained in one large building. Jusan walked over the landing pad and entered the building proper. As he entered the guards inside acknowledge him, and let him pass. He walked through a corridor painted in his house colors, green and black, and then reached the elevator and entered, telling the servants following him to stop. Alone he chose the first floor as his destination

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