Ice Station Zebra

Ice Station Zebra by Alistair MacLean Page A

Book: Ice Station Zebra by Alistair MacLean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alistair MacLean
Tags: Fiction, War
flower but after half an hour up there we’ve both just about had it.’
    ‘I don’t know,’ Swanson said thoughtfully. ‘Look at Amundsen. Look at Scott, at Peary. They
all the way to the Poles.’
    ‘A different breed of men, Captain. Either that or the sun shone for them. All I know is that half an hour is too long to be up there. Fifteen minutes is enough for anyone.’
    ‘Fifteen minutes it shall be.’ He looked at me, face carefully empty of all expression. ‘You haven’t much hope?’
    ‘If they’re without shelter, I’ve none.’
    ‘You told me they had an emergency power pack of Nife cells for powering their transmitter,’ he murmured. ‘You also said those batteries will retain their charge indefinitely, years if necessary, irrespective of the weather conditions under which they are stored. They must have been using that battery a few days ago when they sent out their first S O S. It wouldn’t be finished already.’
    His point was so obvious that I didn’t answer. The battery wasn’t finished: the men were.
    ‘I agree with you,’ he went on quietly. ‘We’re wasting our time. Maybe we should just pack up and go home. If we can’t raise them, we’ll never find them.’
    ‘Maybe not. But you’re forgetting your directive from Washington, Commander.’
    ‘How do you mean?’
    ‘Remember? I’m to be extended every facility and all aid short of actually endangering the safety of the submarine and the lives of the crew. At the present moment we’re doing neither. If we fail to raise them I’m prepared for a twenty-mile sweep on foot round this spot in the hope of locating them. If that fails we could move to another polynya and repeat the search. The search area isn’t all that big, there’s a fair chance, but a chance, that we might locate the station eventually. I’m prepared to stay up here all winter till we do find them.’
    ‘You don’t call that endangering the lives of mymen? Making extended searches of the ice-cap, on foot, in midwinter?’
    ‘Nobody said anything about endangering the lives of your men.’
    ‘You mean — you mean you’d go it alone.’ Swanson stared down at the deck and shook his head. ‘I don’t know what to think. I don’t know whether to say you’re crazy or whether to say I’m beginning to understand why they — whoever “they” may be — picked you for the job, Dr Carpenter.’ He sighed, then regarded me thoughtfully. ‘One moment you say there’s no hope, the next that you’re prepared to spend the winter here, searching. If you don’t mind my saying so, Doctor, it just doesn’t make sense.’
    ‘Stiff-necked pride,’ I said. ‘I don’t like throwing my hand in on a job before I’ve even started it. I don’t know what the attitude of the United States Navy is on that sort of thing.’
    He gave me another speculative glance, I could see he believed me the way a fly believes the spider on the web who has just offered him safe accommodation for the night. He smiled. He said: ‘The United States Navy doesn’t take offence all that easily, Dr Carpenter. I suggest you catch a couple of hours’ sleep while you can. You’ll need it all if you’re going to start walking towards the North Pole.’
    ‘How about yourself? You haven’t been to bed at all to-night.’
    ‘I think I’ll wait a bit.’ He nodded towards thedoor of the radio room. ‘Just in case anything comes through.’
    ‘What are they sending? Just the call sign?’
    ‘Plus request for position and a rocket, if they have either. I’ll let you know immediately anything comes through. Good night, Dr Carpenter. Or rather, good morning.’
    I rose heavily and made my way to Hansen’s cabin.
    The atmosphere round the 8 a.m. breakfast table in the wardroom was less than festive. Apart from the officer on deck and the engineer lieutenant on watch, all the
officers were there, some just risen from their bunks, some just heading for them, none of them

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