I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!)

I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter

Book: I'll Remember You (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
could tell they were tired, thirsty and hungry. Two of them looked ready to collapse. After a few seconds though, he understood. He could pick up a smattering of their conversation. These men had been headed for the border when they had, unluckily, crossed Delgado land.
    “We’re sorry, Señorita. We were just meeting our coyote.” 
    “Stupid! You should have checked a map.” She sauntered out toward them. “How dare you come onto Los Banos?”
    One hung his head. “El Duro. Diosa.”
    “Are you Toro?” Martina poked the pistol in one man’s cheek.
    “No, Señorita,” he whispered. “We are not Toro.”
    “Did you check them for weapons or explosives?” She addressed her employee.
    “Yes, Diosa,” another man spoke up. “They were clean.”
    “What should I do with you?” Her question was soft, but he watched the men who heard her speak, visibly shudder.
    Austin frowned. “Martina,” he called her name, softly. She ignored him.
    “Where are you headed?” she asked, instead. 
    “America.” One was brave enough to say.
    “Where in America? Who are you working for?”
    “No one. We go to meet our families,” the younger one spoke, pleading with his eyes. “My wife and young son are in Texas. We will work for you, if you give us a chance.” 
    “Who sent you?” she demanded again, ignoring the man’s question.
    “No one sent us. No one,” another wailed. “We would not cross you.”
    “Get rid of them!” She waved her weapon in the air.
    “Martina!” Tomas shouted. There was true fear in his voice and Austin realized it was fear for the lives of those men, and not for himself.
    She nodded her head as she passed a silent message to her guards. They took their assault weapons and pushed the men around to the side of the house. Austin braced himself, almost expecting to hear gunfire. Instead in a few moments, he saw a truck pass by with all the men loaded in the back, accompanied by two of the guards, still carrying their huge guns.
    “What will happen to them?” Alessandra asked.
    “Only what they deserve.” Martina smiled.
    Watching her, Austin realized he knew her not at all. She had changed before his eyes, morphing from a woman to a predator. He didn’t understand. Why was she being so cold and uncaring? He wondered if he was imagining the malice. He didn’t think so. Every part of him rebelled at the idea, but he had the distinct impression those men wouldn’t live to see the sunset.
    Los Banos – The next day
    He had to get away from the house. Austin felt as if he were choking on a cloud of confusion. More and more he was realizing he didn’t belong here. Something wasn’t right. The urge to just leave, walk off was more than overwhelming. He thought about stealing the keys and just driving away. The only problem was, he didn’t trust his driving yet. He hadn’t been cleared to drive and his headaches were still achingly persistent. But just as soon as he was given a clean bill of health by his doctor, he was out of here. Engagements could be broken. He was grateful for Tomas and Martina for saving his life, and he would pay them back, but not with his future. That belonged to him.
    Heading across the manicured lawn, he made his way to the barn. The smell and sounds of the horses seemed to be a comfort to his soul. As he entered the dim interior, he heard a man softly humming. Walking closer, he saw a vaquero brushing down a white mare. He was crooning to it, gentling her when her every instinct seemed to tell her to dance away. “Easy girl. Easy.”
    Austin didn’t want to startle the horse, so he hung back until the man finished and returned the animal to its stall. “Hello. That’s one fine looking animal.”
    Looking over his shoulder, the vaquero smiled. “I heard you back there. Yes, Reina is beautiful. But she is selfish. She demands my attention every day.” He filled her trough with oats and gave her fresh water. “How are you feeling, Mr.

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