In Her Own Right : The Life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton

In Her Own Right : The Life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton by Elisabeth Griffith

Book: In Her Own Right : The Life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton by Elisabeth Griffith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Griffith
Book of Origins for Barney-Blatch Family
, by Katherine Beecher Stetson Chamberlin (Pasadena, Calif., 1951), in the possession of Rhoda Barney Jenkins, provided the essential information for these genealogical charts.

Phrenological Character of Mrs Elizabeth C. Stanton,
    Given at Seneca Falls by E. S. Stark, January 10, 1853 *
    Mrs. Elizabeth Stanton
    You have a predominance of the vital and mental temperaments with a full degree of the motive but the last is not sustaining in its influence, the vital having the ascendancy and not being abused. Your life principle is ample and health perfect; few persons have a better organization for longevity. You derive the tone of your mind and constitution from your mother hence partake of the nature of the Livingston family rather than that of your father. You have a plump round form fair complexion and amiable expression.
    Your brain is above the common size, large at the base, occipital and frontal regions. Some faculties are quite large, while others are inferior in strength and influence.
    All the social faculties are large with large combativeness, destructiveness, alimentiveness, firmness, Benev[olent] Construc[tiveness]; and several of the intellectual organs. You are characterized for the following traits.
    First, are warm hearted, capable of enjoying the society of your friends much are greatly attached to your kin and find it especially difficult to give up those whom you have once loved, enjoy the society of the gentlemen, are not cold hearted toward them and under favorable circumstances are ready to respond to the expressions of sympathy and affection from them, are better adapted to the business and subjects of conversation peculiar to men than those of women, are capable of enjoying the connubial relation in a high degree, are very fond of children, well qualified to sympathize with them in their helplessness. Attachment to place is also strong. You are fond of home and its associations, still would enjoy traveling by way of gratifying the other faculties.
    You lack continuity of mind and close application to some things, find it difficult to attend to details either in business or in thought; prefer to have your mind occupied with things that are extensive and comprehensive in their nature. Yourthoughts and feelings are more intense and vivid than prolonged and connected. Love of life is strong. You have great desire to live and enjoy the pleasures of life. Your large Combat[iveness] and Destruc[tiveness] joined with your vital temperament give an unusual degree of force, energy and executiveness of mind. You never stop at trifles, are much more inclined to labor where there are severe difficulties to overcome than to walk in the smoother paths of life, are full of resolution and have a daring spirit and when provoked are capable of being decidedly indignant. Your feelings are not of the tame, quiet class. You are capable of being very sarcastic, vigorous in your style of conversation or writing and at times are not sufficiently gentle and easy in your manners. Appetite is strong and digestion good, none better. Your desire for gain is comparatively good, but owing to the combination of your faculties you are not naturally qualified to attend to the details of business or to make it a special matter of effort to economize, but you prefer to live as you go along and have what you like.
    Secret[iveness] and Cautiousness] are rather wanting, hence with so much propelling and executive power are liable to act from the impulse of the moment and exhibit a boldness and energy of character, that the occasion does not warrant. You are afraid of nothing, are not restrained from acting or speaking through fear of consequences. You show your character just as it is, hence have more individuality and positiveness than females generally. You are no hypocrite, tho’ you may not always express in words the depths of your feelings. You detest nothing

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