In Too Deep (Grayton Series Book 4)

In Too Deep (Grayton Series Book 4) by Jill Sanders

Book: In Too Deep (Grayton Series Book 4) by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
and sated.
    Then he lay down next to her and tried to control his own breathing as his mind rushed over the events of the last forty-eight hours. Her fingers kept circling his chest until finally, she moved over him.
    She smiled down at him and he tensed for just a moment before her lips covered his. He had forgotten how soft she felt over the years. How beautiful she’d been. Even now, looking up at her, he didn’t want to close his eyes in case he missed any little detail about her. The way her hair fell around her face or how her eyes heated when she ran her hands over his chest.
    When she dipped her head lower, he watched as she gripped his length and started a slow movement around him, causing a groan to escape.
    “I had my turn,” she almost purred. “Now, it’s yours.” Then she was taking him to places he’d only dreamed about since the first time he’d touched her so many years ago.
    He hadn’t even known he’d been missing anything with other women he’d seen during her absence. They all paled in comparison to the way he felt when he was around her. The way she’d always made him feel. Safe. Like he was home.
    He must have dozed off for a while after she’d snuggled next to him. When he cracked his eyes open, he could see the top of her head resting on his chest. Reaching down, he covered them with a blanket and smiled when she buried herself closer to him.
    He could just make out the light coming through her blinds and knew that his time holding her would be limited. He had plans to make sure that he stayed right where he was for the rest of his time there, or at least until he convinced her to return home for a visit. After that, he didn’t know what the future held, only that now that he had found his family, there was no way he was letting them go again.
    The morning was something dreams were made of. Well, his dreams anyway. He helped Missy with the mundane chores of getting an almost eight-year-old ready for a day at school.
    He even cooked eggs and toast while she was in the bathroom, getting dressed. He found it incredibly sexy that even after last night, she still blushed around him when he watched her walk into the bathroom naked. Of course, he had had to spend a few minutes thinking about something else before he’d finally emerged from the bedroom.
    With the help of Reagan, he talked Missy into filling out the forms and writing a check for Reagan’s trip to Orlando. He had to admit, he and the kid had made a great team when convincing her.
    He knew he needed to tread lightly about telling the kid he was his father. How did one go about bringing up the topic?
    By the time they drove her car to the school, he’d made the decision to tell the kid later that night over ice cream. But after watching Missy kiss the boy goodbye, he started having his doubts.
    “Don’t,” she said without looking over at him as she waved to Reagan. The kid turned at the door and looked back, a slight frown on his lips, until he finally smiled and waved back.
    “What?” Roman asked, turning to her. “Ask to drive the car?”
    She chuckled, but shook her head from side to side.
    “Roman, even after all these years, I can tell you have been deep in thought.”
    He shrugged his shoulders. “Just what do you think I’m deep in thought about?”
    “Reagan.” She crossed her arms over her chest and scowled at him. “Telling him about you.”
    He frowned. “He has a right to know.”
    “I’m not questioning that.” She walked around and got behind the wheel. “I just think we should take it slow.”
    “Slow?” He almost growled the word. “Eight years isn’t slow enough?” he asked, stopping himself from slamming the car door.
    She turned and glared at him as he pulled out of the parking lot.
    “I had my reasons,” she said, not looking in his direction.
    “And? When will I be invited to hear your explanations?”
    She sighed and rolled her shoulders. “When I’m ready.” She glanced at him

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