Incarnate: Mars Origin "I" Series Book III

Incarnate: Mars Origin "I" Series Book III by Abby L. Vandiver

Book: Incarnate: Mars Origin "I" Series Book III by Abby L. Vandiver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby L. Vandiver
up at the darkening sky lost in thought.
why she was there, in Belize. Why she agreed to be in charge of this dig, even
though she didn’t have the experience and didn’t know for whom she was working.
And even though it might be based on something her mother had done. Logan
figured, if Atlantis was there in the Americas, it was here that she would find
the ancient knowledge of the world.
a job near Guatemala in western Belize had to be the right place to be.
you forget I was here?”
Logan glanced at Jairo. “Oh. No.” She chuckled. “I didn’t forget. I was just
noticed you were looking up. Thinking about man coming from Mars?”
She shook her head vigorously. “Never.” She turned and looked into his brown
eyes. “I could never think that.”
Is that too crazy to think? That man could have originated somewhere else. Is
that why your mother was afraid to tell it? Because people like you wouldn’t
believe it?”
like me?” She gave him a slanted look. He stared at her waiting for an answer.
“Aren’t you full of questions?” Logan smiled at him. She stood up and wiped the
dirt from the back of her pants and sighed. She patted him on his leg. “Me and
my mother are nothing alike. If you want to find out about her outrageous
theories, you’d have to talk to her. I just want to find out more about ancient
American history.” She lifted up an eyebrow. “ Earth’s ancient history.”
walked over and stood in front of the string-boarded grids of the dig.
know, your mother isn’t the only person that ever came up with that idea. A
superhuman race that gave us knowledge.” Jairo’s voice followed her.
turned to face him and dug her hands in her pocket. “Maybe.” She nodded in
agreement. “But no one ever claimed they were from Mars.”
she shouldn’t ridicule her mother. Especially to strangers. She pulled her
hands out of her pocket and turned her back to Jairo. She liked Jairo, and
Jairo so far had been nice to her. Although he wasn’t very forthcoming on all
things benefactor-wise. But, she shrugged, that was probably his job as well.
Keeping secrets. Just like her mother.
her mother had a slew of them. Not just that man was from Mars, but the proof
she claimed she had. Irrefutable proof she had said. Like how she decoded a six
hundred year old codex that no one else could figure out, and how it contained,
among other things, the knowledge to build spaceships and cure cancer.
had been kind of skeptical about the truth of whether her mother decoded the
Voynich Manuscript or that any of those things had been in it. But she didn’t
argue the point when her mother told her, she had just listened.
    Maybe she shouldn’t have even done that .
Jairo,” Logan turned and looked at him. “I gotta go. See you tomorrow?”
I’ll be around.” Logan started to walk off and Jairo called after her, “You
should try and be a little more open-minded in your beliefs,” he said.
turned and glanced over her shoulder at him and drew in a deep breath. She
climbed into her rented white Ford Focus and buckled her seatbelt.
    Turning the
ignition and putting the car in gear she looked over at Jairo still sitting on
the pile of dirt. She was going to get the dirt of the dig off of her and put
it out of her mind for a couple of days. She was going to Guatemala for the
car rocked over the uneven dirt road but it didn’t break into her thoughts.
had been a hard pill to swallow - the story her mother told her. But it
explained many things. Like how Indians, and no other race of people were
already in supposedly uninhabited land when the first explorers came. It
explained why there were pyramids in Egypt and in the Americas that were
similar in style and the advanced technology needed to build them. It explained
the similarities in languages

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