Italian All-in-One For Dummies

Italian All-in-One For Dummies by Consumer Dummies

Book: Italian All-in-One For Dummies by Consumer Dummies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Consumer Dummies
(eel tahp- peht -toh) ( rug )
    il tavolino (eel tah-voh- lee -noh) ( coffee table )
    il tavolo da pranzo (eel tah -voh-loh dah prahn -tzoh) ( dining table )
    il televisore (eel teh-leh-vee- soh -reh) ( TV set )
    Talkin’ the Talk
    Valerio has found a new, non ammobiliato (nohn ahm-moh-bee- lyah- toh) ( unfurnished ) apartment. His friend Eugenia is asking him what he needs.
    Valerio: Ho trovato un appartamento! Devo comprare dei mobili.
    oh troh- vah -toh oohn ahp-pahr-tah- mehn -toh! deh -voh kohm- prah -reh deh moh -bee-lee.
    I just found an apartment! I have to buy some furniture.
    Eugenia: Tutto?
    tooht -toh?
    (Do you need) everything?
    Valerio: No, per la camera da letto il letto e l’armadio.
    noh, pehr lah kah -meh-rah dah leht -toh eel leht -toh eh lahr- mah -dyoh.
    No, a bed and a wardrobe for my bedroom.
    Eugenia: Nient’altro?
    nyehnt- ahl -troh?
    Anything else?
    Valerio: Ho due comodini e una cassettiera.
    oh dooh -eh koh-moh- dee -nee eh ooh -nah kahs-seht- tyeh -rah.
    I have two bedside tables and a dresser.
    Eugenia: E per il soggiorno?
    eh pehr eel sohj- johr -noh?
    And for the living room?
    Valerio: Ho una poltrona. Mi mancano ancora il divano e un tavolino.
    oh ooh -nah pohl- troh -nah. mee mahn -kah-noh ahn- koh -rah eel dee- vah -noh eh oohn tah-voh- lee -noh.
    I have an armchair. I still need a couch and a coffee table.

    La cucina: The kitchen
    Much of the activity in any home occurs in la cucina (lah kooh- chee -nah) ( the kitchen ). Stereotypically, the kitchen is the most important room for Italians; is it for you as well? Whatever the answer, you’ll make a good impression on native Italian speakers if you know some kitchen vocabulary. What if the nice lady who has just served you delicious food at your favorite Italian restaurant is curious about your kitchen? You don’t want to disappoint her by not even being able to say that you use only cibo surgelato ( chee -boh soohr-jeh- lah -toh) ( frozen food ) defrosted in the microonde (mee-kroh- ohn -deh) ( microwave oven ), and that you don’t use a lavastoviglie (lah-vah-stoh- vee- lyeh) ( dishwasher ) because your food comes in plastic containers!
    Here are common items found in the kitchen:
    l’apribottiglia (lah-pree-boht- tee -lyah) ( bottle opener )
    la caffettiera (lah kahf-feht- tyeh -rah) ( coffee maker )
    il congelatore (eel kohn-jeh-lah- toh -reh) ( freezer )
    i fornelli (ee fohr- nehl -lee) ( stove-top burners )
    il forno (eel fohr -noh) ( oven )
    il frigorifero (eel free-goh- ree -fehr-oh) ( refrigerator )
    il frullatore (eel froohl-ah- toh -reh) ( blender )
    la frusta (lah frooh -stah) ( whisk )
    la lavastoviglie (lah lah-vah-stoh- veel -yeh) ( dishwasher )
    la lavatrice (lah lah-vah- tree -cheh) ( washing machine )
    il lavello (eel lah- vehl -loh) ( sink )
    il microonde (eel mee-kroh- ohn -deh) ( microwave oven )
    la padella (lah pah- dehl -lah) ( frying pan )
    la pattumiera (lah paht-tooh- myeh -rah) ( garbage can )
    i pensili (ee pehn -see-lee) ( cabinets )
    la pentola (lah pehn -toh-lah) ( pot )
    le sedie (leh seh -dyeh) ( chairs )
    lo scolapasta (loh skoh-lah- pah -stah) ( colander )
    la spatola (lah spah -toh-lah) ( spatula )
    il tagliere (eel tah- lyeh -reh) ( cutting board )
    il tavolo (eel tah -voh-loh) ( table )
    il tostapane (eel toh-stah- pah -neh) ( toaster )
    You may be wondering why la lavatrice ( washing machine ) is included on this list. In Italy, you often find washing machines in the kitchen; however, dryers aren’t very common in Italy because of the enormous amount of electricity they consume.
    La sala da pranzo: The dining room
    Italians show their sense of hospitality in sala da pranzo (een sah -lah dah prahn -tzoh)( in the dining room ). They set the dining table carefully and welcome their guests with refined details. Here are some items you’ll likely see in the dining room:
    il bicchiera da acqua (eel beek- kyeh -reh dah ah -kwah) ( water glass )
    il bicchiere da vino

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