Jade Moon (Celestial War Book 1)

Jade Moon (Celestial War Book 1) by Julia Richards Page A

Book: Jade Moon (Celestial War Book 1) by Julia Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Richards
into their little antiquity theft ring. Were they searching for new relics of power?
    I read on, lost in thought until the bell rang over my head, making me jump. I had been reading for a long time in my cozy disco chair. Where was Mr. Silver? A terrible sensation crawled up my back like an electrified slug oozing against my spine.
    “Mr. Silver?” I called out, maybe he got caught up at the front desk with another student.
    “Mr. Silver?” tucking the book away in my bag, I headed out. No sign of him at the front. The second bell rang and the halls echoed with the sound of closing doors as everyone settled into their next class.
    I walked the empty halls. I checked in the bathroom where Olivia had been crying. The main office. The library again. I even knocked on the men’s room right outside the library and, when no one answered, I peaked inside. No one.
    “Monkey nuts,” I whispered to myself, unsure what to do. Finally, just before the next bell rang, I went into the main office where the head administrative assistant sat.
    “Um, I was supposed to meet Mr. Silver in the library but he’s not there. Do you know if he had to leave for some reason.”
    She tilted her head with genuine concern, “I’m sorry sweetie, he didn’t say anything.” She gave me a saccharine smile, “Between you and me, that man is a flake. It’s possible he forgot.”
    I thanked her, quite certain I didn’t slip his mind. Without any other options, I realized there was only one other person he had indicated any trust in. Mrs. Louie. Ugh.
    I went to her classroom and waited for the bell to ring. After the students filed out, I stepped in and swallowed my pride.
    “Mrs. Louie, uh, Mr. Silver never came back and he seemed anxious to talk to me. I’m a little worried.”
    She looked at me for a long time with an unreadable expression. “After we spoke about Olivia, he did say he was going right back to speak with you. I was surprised he wasn’t there when I stopped by. Why he left you alone there is beyond me.”
    “I’m just worried something is…wrong.” I wasn’t sure what to say, exactly. Not wanting to sound like a total loon.
    Something in her face shifted a bit, softer yet still unwelcoming. “You know, I knew your father. You look very much like him.”
    I gasped. “You’re a Solaris?”
    “Never say that out loud!” she hissed.
    I stumbled back at the vehemence in her voice. Pressed against the cinderblock wall, I felt sick. 
    She studied me closely, shaking her head. “You’re just like him, think the rules don’t apply to you. But he was a good man.” Something in her harsh voice finally broke. “He was such a good man.”
    She looked almost…human. Holy crap, she had a crush on my dad! No words came to me.
    “You’re right to be concerned.” She chose her words carefully. “I’m not sure what exactly is happening, but something is amiss. Mr. Silver is our knowledge keeper. He doesn’t just disappear.”
    “What should we do?”
    “I can’t leave now but here’s his home address. Perhaps you can track him down.” A few students began filing in for fifth period. She scrawled something on a piece of paper, shoved it at me and said, “Shouldn’t you be in your next class?”
    I glanced at the address she gave me, “Thanks, Mrs. Louie.”
    She ignored my thanks and began shuffling papers on her desk. Dismissed, I headed out into the hall wondering how I was going to get all the way out to the river. Though part of Waterford, Mr. Silver’s house was at least fifteen miles away.
    Pondering how to get there, I literally ran into Raf who had obviously stopped in the hall to greet me.
    “Oh!” I bounced off his shoulder and he grabbed me.
    “Harper, what the hell. You okay?”
    “Yeah. No. I’m freaking out a little.”
    He gave a lopsided smile, “So, nothing new then?”
    “Ha ha. Actually, I’m really worried about Mr. Silver.” I explained everything to Raf, leaving out all the sun moon

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