Journey 'The Chosen One Trilogy: Book Two'
he would never get used to how beautiful she was. He still
couldn’t get over how she thought herself plain. Her long dark
brown hair was highlighted with the firelight. Her bare legs were
glowing with it.
    The dream ended and her whole body
relaxed. She reached back in her sleep to where he had been laying
behind her.
    He felt her confusion turn to full
panic. He was at her side before she sat up looking for
    “It’s alright, Shlova. I’m right here.”
He pulled her to his chest and rubbed her back. “I got up for a
    She took a few deep breaths then looked
up at him. Her soft green eyes narrowed. “You haven’t slept
    He shrugged. He wasn’t about to tell
her he could never fall asleep until after she finished her
nightmare. He gazed into her eyes and gave her his most innocent
look. “I wasn’t tired.” Truth was, he was exhausted, but he knew
there would be little sleep for him until they were safe in their
own cabin.
    She brought her hand up to his face.
“You shaved.” Her thumb traced the lines of his cheekbone, along
his jaw, and back up again.
    Jasper closed his eyes. How long had it
been, he wondered and tried to think back. How long since he had
last felt her delicate body beneath his hands and had felt her body
quiver under his.
    Hayden had let her shield down and with
a groan he found he was the one quivering.
    “That’s not fair,” he whispered
    She smiled and toned it down a bit. She
pulled his shirt over her head, let it drop to the ground then did
the same to the one he was wearing. Her tongue ran over his nipple
and he sucked in a breath. Her lips brushed lightly over his
    His head was spinning.
    She stood and pulled him up before
untying the laces on his pants. He stepped out of them and picked
her up.
    Hayden bit his neck playfully and he
groaned. Any ideas he’d had about taking his time were quickly
flying out the window. But first, two could play at this game. She
could use her mind to knock him flat with need. He had his own
tricks to do the same to her.
    He set her down on the counter and bent
his head to her chest. Perfect, he thought to himself. He ran his
tongue lightly over each nipple.
    Her moan made his breath come faster.
She wasn’t playing fair. With each touch and kiss she was
projecting her need for him with more force.
    He picked her up again, this time
pushing her up against the wall. He let her slide down until he
could feel her wetness on the tip of his shaft. She wiggled between
him and the wall, wanting him to take her. She was shaking. But
then again, so was he.
    He let her down some more and the two
of them let out identical moans. God, she was tight. He pushed up
slowly and let gravity do its part.
    Hayden gave a surprised cry and threw
her head back. He felt her whole body convulse against his. He had
to shake his head and think of snow so he wouldn’t be taken over by
her pleasure.
    She melted against him and moaned with
    Jasper thrust up into her. His head
reeled. He pulled back and thrust again.
    “Oh, god, Jasper.”
    By the moons, he loved when she moaned
his name. He could feel her tightening around him once more. He
pushed harder and let her drop a little lower so he could get
deeper. His head spun.
    Her moan started low in her throat and
was muffled when she bit his shoulder. She clenched around him and
he gave a cry of his own as he spilled himself into her. He found
her mouth with his and kissed her tenderly.
    He stayed there with her pinned against
the wall, enjoying the feel of her against him. His breathing
slowed back to normal and he set her down gently.
    After getting back to their blankets he
took a deep breath, and let it out. He kissed the back of her neck
and pulled her against him. “A shlova yan,” he whispered
    “A shlova yan jer.”
    He chuckled. “How do you figure you
love me more?”
    She shrugged. “I just do.”
    He kissed her again. “Bunna soit,

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