Just Shoot Me (Cowboy Way, #1)
spectacular ass in those jeans. “No, it wasn’t the belt. He thought
the jeans were, um, too tight, and felt uncomfortable. It’s all
good now. But we’re delaying the shoot until tomorrow, because he
wants to show me a location.”
    “ Really?” Cord and Hope said,
looking at each other with disbelief.
    “ Yeah, he said he knew of a perfect
place to shoot, and he’s going to show it to me.”
    Cord guffawed, and a small smile eased up the
corner of Hope’s mouth. “I’ll bet he has a lot to show you,” Cord
said sarcastically. “I’d be careful going out with my brother
alone. We might find you tied to a tree.”
    The thought of being tied up by Dean Dixon did
have its appeal. It sent all the moisture in her body flooding
south. “He’s good now. I promise.” More than good. Spectacular.
Delicious. And a damned good kisser. Another feather of desire
floated through her tickling all the way down. “We had a meeting of
the minds, and he’s going to cooperate.”
    “ That must’ve been a helluva
meeting,” Cord said with a shake of his head.
    “ She kissed him,” Laney tattled
around the huge bite of brownie in her mouth. Heat rushed up to
Tina’s face and she shot a glare at her niece, who she hadn’t even
seen come inside.
    “ Yeah,” Jeremy confirmed, with a
smile that showed the brownie stuck in his teeth. He shoved another
bite in his mouth, then added, “And he was choking chickens. I told
Grandma and she was mad. He’s in big trouble.”
    Right that minute, Tina wanted to wring both
kids’ necks like that chicken.
    Tina groaned and her face felt like it was on
fire. Dean was going to be mortified. And Jeremy was the one who
was going to be in big trouble, if she didn’t get him out of there.
“I thought your daddy told you to stay up at the house with your
    “ Paulo is gonna cut my hair like
daddy’s,” Jeremy said, glancing at her hairdresser.
    Dean walked through the doorway just then and
all eyes swung in his direction. Jaws dropped as they studied him,
and Dean just scanned the group curiously. Tina couldn’t even take
time to appreciate how delicious he looked in his black cowboy hat,
faded Wranglers and tight white t-shirt. She knew if she didn’t do
something fast, disaster was about to land right on her head. Even
riding with him on that big black beast didn’t seem so bad right
    “ Um, you ready to go?” she said
walking over to grab his arm. Dean looked down at her and his lips
curved just a bit. Tina yanked on his arm and turned him toward the
door. “We need to get going.” Tina pulled him onto the porch,
hoping she could get him out of there before someone made a
    Her heart skidded to a stop in her chest, as
she stopped beside the horse and looked up, way up, to the seat of
the saddle. Swallowing her fear she asked, “Okay, how do I do
    The bags behind the saddle were stuffed so
full they bled over into the seat of the saddle. It made the seat
look even smaller. Tina wondered how they would both fit in
    Dean Dixon was not a small man.
    “ Up you go,” Dean said as he
clamped his hands at her waist. Before she knew what he was doing,
she was flying through the air like she weighed nothing. Tina’s
butt hit the leather with a jarring impact, the horse shifted his
weight, and Tina felt herself sliding off the other side of the
saddle. She yelped and her heart shot to her throat, but Dean’s
fingers dug into her thigh and he caught her.
    “ Whoa, buttercup,” he said with a
laugh, pulling her upright again. “No riding side saddle.” He
reached over her to grab the saddle horn, put his foot in the
stirrup and in one fluid motion swung into the saddle behind her.
His hips rocked forward against her, and Tina fought the urge to
push back. “Scoot up, you’re crowding me.”
    Crowding hell. There wasn’t an inch of spare
room between them, and she didn’t really have anywhere to go. Tina
scooted a few inches

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