Just Shoot Me (Cowboy Way, #1)
famous brother weren’t so different
after all. The panties of the women who saw the Texas Tomcat
catalog would melt just as fast as they had with the Laramie Jeans
publication featuring his brother. Faster probably, considering
Dean Dixon’s dark edge. Women loved edgy men. Those who were a
little less than friendly and approachable. Dark and brooding types
were a challenge, and Dean was definitely that.
    There was nothing Tina loved more than a
    Another kiss from those hot lips of his was
the prize for overcoming that challenge. That unexpected, magical
kiss evidently had powers other than making her want more from him.
His attitude toward her had obviously changed too. If it took
kissing Dean Dixon between frames to drag out that smile, get him
to relax for the photos, it certainly wouldn’t be a hardship for
her. It would be an excuse to get more of those magical kisses and
see where that might lead.
    I think you need to get laid . The same
could be said of her. It had been a long damned time since Tina had
sex, and the last time hadn’t even been good. Her eyes traveled
over Dean Dixon’s muscular thighs, and delicious ass as he bent
over to fiddle underneath his horse.
    She had a feeling with him she wouldn’t worry
about him being good, she’d have to worry about keeping up with
him. As stoic and surly as he usually was, there was some serious
heat inside that man. If that heat was captured in the photos for
Texas Tomcat, the pages of the magazine would probably
spontaneously combust. The women who saw the photos would for sure.
She knew she almost had. A lovely tingle flitted through her to
settle between her legs.
    Texas Tomcat jeans would fly off the shelves.
Tina would get her promotion, and probably a huge bonus at the end
of the year to use for the down payment on the house she wanted for
herself and Laney. Her sister could live there too, if she got her
act together. Maybe she’d use part of her bonus to see about
getting custody of Laney. Becoming the real mother to Laney that
her sister wasn’t. Maybe just the threat of that would be enough to
motivate her sister to get her head out of her ass.
    “ Daylight’s wastin’, buttercup. You
want to go or not?” Dean asked, and Tina realized she had drifted
off into dreamland and he was standing there waiting for an answer
from her.
    Wherever he must be wanting to take her must
be special to him for some reason. She suddenly also realized he
was about to go riding in her custom-made Texas Tomcat jeans and
shirt. “I’ll go tell them, but you have to change out of those
clothes. Those are the only samples I have.”
    “ Yes, ma’am. I have a change of
clothes in the tack room,” he drawled, giving her a broad smile
that did funny things to her insides. “I’d be more than happy to
take these clothes off.”
    His fingers went to the button of the jeans,
and Tina spun around. “Um, make sure you’re dressed and the
chickens are in the coop when I get back,” she said as she walked
quickly toward the barn door. She heard the uncommon sound of his
hearty laughter follow her out into the yard and smiled
    “ I’ll pick you up at the
bunkhouse!” Dean yelled.
    Pick her up? On that huge horse of his. Fear
shot through her, and Tina stumbled before getting her balance to
make her way up the steps to the front porch. Her hand landed on
the doorknob, but the door flew inward. Paulo, Belinda and Cord
stood there in the doorway. Hope stood behind Cord fiddling with
her camera. “Did you talk some sense into him?” Belinda asked with
agitation. “Was it the belt?” she asked with a puff of
    “ Belt?” Tina asked pushing between
them to get inside.
    “ I forgot to bring the right belt,
and made him wear one that one of the models left behind on
Saturday. It was a little girly, and macho man had a problem with
    Tina laughed. She hadn’t even noticed the
belt. She was too busy looking at other things. Like that

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