Kill Me Twice: Rosie Gilmour 7

Kill Me Twice: Rosie Gilmour 7 by Anna Smith

Book: Kill Me Twice: Rosie Gilmour 7 by Anna Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Smith
turned to McGuire, who was staring at her, intrigued. ‘Mick,’ she said. ‘I’ve got something to tell you.’
    ‘Aw, fuck! I hate it when you say that, Gilmour. What’s happened?’
    ‘Probably the biggest story we’ve seen in a very long time – if it turns out to be true.’
    ‘Tell me.’
    ‘I went to see this guy the other day. He’d phoned in. A junkie. He said he had information about Bella, and wanted to meet.’
    ‘How much dosh did you have to part with?’
    ‘Nothing,’ Rosie lied. ‘Just listen. It gets better. I met this guy – his name’s Mitch – in a cafe off London Road. The usual suspect, junked-up, skinny as a rat, but he only goes and tells me that Bella Mason has a brother.’
    McGuire leaped to his feet as though he’d been stung. ‘Yeah, right! A brother?’
    ‘Sothis guy says. The brother’s a junkie too. Homeless and living rough here. His name is Dan Mason.’
    ‘Christ almighty, Rosie! Who was that on the phone?’
    ‘That was Mitch. He hadn’t seen Dan for a few days, but I told him to go looking for him, and he has.’ Rosie headed for the door. ‘He’s with him now, so I’m going to pick them up.’
    ‘Pick them up? Where are they?’
    ‘Fuck’s sake. You need someone with you.’
    ‘I’ll take Matt. We can’t go in mob-handed and frighten them off. I have to go, Mick.’ Rosie was almost out of the door.
    ‘Phone me as soon as you’re out of there. Do you hear me?’
    ‘Yeah, I hear you.’
    By the time she answered she was well out of McGuire’s earshot and heading for the stairs.
    Rosie gazed out of the window as Matt pulled off London Road and into the shambles that was Barrowfield housing scheme. In the shadow of the Celtic football stadium, it stood out like a rotting tooth. The streets were deserted, and in every one of the grim grey buildings, at least three of the flats were boarded up with steel. A couple of abandoned cars were propped up on bricks, the wheels having vanished long ago. As they drove into the street, Rosie senta text to Mitch. He didn’t answer, so Matt pulled up at the next block from number thirty-six and waited.
    Rosie spotted Mitch standing outside the house, with a smaller skinny figure. ‘That’s my man there.’
    ‘He certainly looks the part.’
    Matt drove towards him and Mitch peered into the car. ‘Who’s this?’ he said, suspicious. The guy with him was shivering.
    ‘It’s okay, Mitch. He works with me. Don’t worry. Just get in and we’ll go for breakfast.’
    They got into the car. Matt glanced at Rosie and pinched his nose. The lads smelt like they hadn’t changed their clothes in a week. Rosie turned to them as Matt reversed and headed out of the scheme.
    ‘This is Dan,’ Mitch said.
    ‘Dan.’ She stretched across to the back seat and held his cold clammy hand a second longer than she needed to. ‘I’m Rosie Gilmour. You all right?’
    He looked no more than sixteen or seventeen, but there was nothing of carefree youth in his haunted expression. He nodded, his eyes downcast, and said nothing.
    ‘He’s a bit worried,’ Mitch said. He turned to Dan. ‘It’s all right, pal. You’ll be fine.’
    ‘Don’t worry, Dan.’ Rosie spoke softly. He looked up and she caught the striking green eyes, fringed with long lashes. Then she said brightly, ‘You guys look like you need a good breakfast.’
    ‘Wehad a wee joint.’ Mitch also seemed to want to lighten things.
    ‘I mean a real breakfast.’ Rosie smiled at Dan, hoping for a response. His eyes softened and his lips twitched a little. It was as good as it was going to get for now. Rosie directed Matt to the cafe. ‘They do the best Coca-Cola iced drinks in Glasgow.’ she flipped down the sun visor and looked at Mitch.
    When they pulled up outside, Rosie told Matt it was best if she went in alone with the two lads. If there was a chance that Dan was going to talk, he might respond better if it was just her. Matt was happy

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