Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker)

Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker) by Sable Hunter

Book: Kit & Rogue (The Sons of Dusty Walker) by Sable Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Hunter
    “The cruise was wonderful.” Rogue gave his employee a sincere smile. “I came home a married man. Kit and I were married on the ship.”
    “Wow! Congratulations!” Abby exclaimed, then grew serious. “We’ve all known Kit a long time. We were never really close, she was a year or two ahead of me in school, but she’s one of our own.” Raising one finger, she wagged it at Rogue. “You treat her right. None of your Daddy’s shenanigans. Do you hear me?”
    Rogue started to remind her who was boss, but he could tell she was sincere. “I don’t intend to treat Kit with anything but love and respect.”
    To Rogue’s surprise, Abby didn’t look convinced. “You’d better.” Pausing, as if weighing her words, she finally exhaled and pinned Rogue with a stare. “We had a visitor while you were gone. A Hispanic girl named Lucia. She was looking for you.”
    Damn! Rogue dry-scrubbed his face. “I think I know who you’re talking about. I never met the woman before last week. She’s a stranger to me.”
    Abby looked skeptical. “You’d better be good to Kit, Rogue Walker. I know where you live.”
    “Of course I’m going to be good to her. I love her.”
    “That’s what your Daddy said…” She stopped when there was a commotion at the front. A flurry of activity caused them both to turn. “It’s Kit!” Abby exclaimed and she ran to greet her. Before Rogue could join them, the receptionist made an announcement. “Everyone! Kit and Rogue are married!” The ensuing clamor of congratulations and hugs and questions reminded Rogue why he didn’t enjoy group activities.
    Kit could see that Rogue was uncomfortable. She was worried about her horse, but the look on his face made her worry more about him. He wasn’t enjoying the confusion and all the attention he was getting, that was obvious. Her wifely instincts–she smiled at the thought–told her this was something more. After thanking everyone profusely, she took her husband by the hand. “Will you excuse us?”
    He appeared grateful and added his final thanks to hers. Once they were alone in his office, they both started to speak at the same time.
    “I need to tell…”
    “Something’s just happened…”
    Both stopped talking. Kit motioned. “You go first.”
    Rogue looked at the clock, then at her. “Let’s go to the saloon. We can get an out of the way booth and talk. I need a drink.”
    Kit didn’t argue, she picked up her purse and went with him.
    “Abby, if anyone comes looking for me, we’re going to be at the saloon having coffee.” And maybe something stronger, he thought.
    She gave them a generous smile. “Aww, you two want to be alone.” She nodded. “Sure, I’ll let anyone know who asks…unless…”
    Rogue gave her a hard look and she closed her lips. He almost expected her to do a key-locking motion, but she didn’t. He let out a long breath. God, things had gone downhill fast.
    The saloon was only three blocks from D. Walker Mineral. “It’s been awhile since I’ve been here,” Kit said as he held the door for her.
    The tone of her voice told him something entirely different. Even though Rogue felt like shit, his Kit could make him smile. “Have you ever been in here, my good girl?”
    As she stepped in, Kit looked around as if expecting something to jump out at her. “Once. I was selling raffle tickets for the church.”
    “It’s eleven o’clock in the morning, I can promise you the sin level is at a minimum.” He led her to an empty booth in the back. “Besides, I know you have a wild side.” Rogue whispered in her ear. “I’ve seen it firsthand.”
    Kit blushed. “That’s different. It’s you,” she explained as if her explanation made sense–and to Rogue, it did. She belonged to him. He was the only man who would ever see her wild side and that was the way he wanted it to be.
    Once they were seated, a waitress came by to take their drink order. Kit wanted a diet soda and Rogue just

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