Knight Errant

Knight Errant by Rue Allyn

Book: Knight Errant by Rue Allyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rue Allyn
makes us vulnerable in other ways. Recall you what Sister Gretle was like when she first came to us after escaping that brutish husband of hers?”
    “Aye, she scarce spoke and jumped at the least noise.”
    Juliana nodded. “Now she rarely ceases her babble.”
    “Perhaps we should send her back,” Berthild spoke solemnly, then smiled.
    “That is better. You are too serious by half. I began to wonder where our smiling Juliana had gone.”
    “You did not mean what you said of Gretle.”
    “Not in the least. I jested. ’Twould be most cruel to place any woman within the grasp of a man like Gretle’s husband.”
    “The same is true of Fra Basti. I think he hates all women, not just Beguines.”
    “Aye, but Beguines most of all because we defy him and refuse to agree with his opinion of us. Now, enough serious talk. Are you truly tired?”
    “Not really.”
    “Then join us on deck. Come back to the dancing.”
    “Nay.” Juliana knew that to be anywhere near Robert Clarwyn at present would be fatal to her resolve. “’Tis long since I have spent any time in contemplation. I feel the lack strongly.”
    “As you will.” Berthild rose to leave. “Spend some time contemplating the place of pleasure in life. Good works are all very well, but even the saints had fun on occasion.”
    • • •
    Robert watched Luigi emerge from the passageway leading to the women’s quarters. Had the Saracen succeeded where Robert had failed? Had Juliana deigned to see the man when she refused to even acknowledge Robert’s requests to see her? Ravening jealousy ate at him and guilt poured salt in the wounds. He was her protector, appointed by their king. If Juliana would not listen to him, Robert would make certain Luigi did. Juliana was not free to grace either of them with her affection. He stalked toward the captain, pausing just outside the passageway.
    “I would warn you that she is cousin to King Edward of England. He has arranged her marriage to a Scot. Neither king nor betrothed would take kindly to any harm done her person or reputation.”
    “Is that so?” Luigi leaned back against the bulkhead. “And you think I would dishonor a woman simply because she took passage on my ship?”
    Robert clenched his fists and resisted the urge to hit the smaller man. “I know not if you would stoop so low. I simply offer a warning that any man who is less than courteous to Lady Juliana will most likely lose his life.”
    Luigi straightened, and his eyelids narrowed. “I take what I want, Sir Robert, and do not respond well to threats.”
    Robert’s father had taken what he wished as well. Robert would never do so. “’Tis not a threat but a promise.” Because guilt bloodied his hands, his oath to protect women was all he could do to atone.
    The captain shrugged. “Well then, I will give you a promise, too. I pride myself on the safety of my passengers and cargo. No one will come to harm on this ship. You have my word.”
    “And you will leave Lady Juliana alone?”
    “Avoiding the lady is hardly possible on shipboard.”
    “Do not mistake my meaning.”
    “Perhaps it would reassure you to know that she is not interested in me.”
    Robert smiled. “I do find that reassuring, thank you. Although I will be glad when our time at sea is done.”
    Luigi doffed his headgear and bowed, smiling as he straightened himself. “You are welcome, Sir Robert. I, too, am eager to have temptation removed. With luck that will happen in less than two days.”
    Robert watched the man move away. Luigi showed no regrets, no remorse over anything. Perhaps the Saracen lived a blameless life. He did not even seem to mind his bastardy. Robert shook his head and not for the first time contemplated the hell of being Baron Aelfred Clarwyn’s only son.
    Recognition of his guilt and regret served no purpose now but to keep him on the path he vowed to take. Part of that vow involved Lady Juliana. He’d had enough of her silence and

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