Knight of the Empress
wood within."
    Rolf shook his head, "No, Sir Guy, this was made by metal it is sharp." He pointed to my surcoat. "And there is a hole in Baron Alfraed's surcoat. This was a metal tipped spear."
    I held up my hand.  "I am not hurt and Star will heal.  Say nothing. Let them think that we do not know what they have done.  Come on, smile and cheer, we have won."
    Rolf shook his head, "You are a strange one but we will go along with you."
    They led Star to the dais.  I dismounted and approached the Emperor and Empress.  I saw the joy on the face of the Empress and the thin lipped smile on the Emperor.  He was not happy and I wondered how much he had had to do with the attempt on my life. I had no doubt that he had used the Count to try to hurt me. As we waited for them to descend I glanced over and saw the Count and his men leaving the arena.  I would have to watch out for him.
    I knelt as the Emperor approached, "You have done exceptionally well, Englishman.  That is the first time I have seen the Count unhorsed.  He is never beaten. You are someone to keep an eye on." I was looking up into his eyes and I saw hatred.  There was something else I saw, pain.  The Emperor was not a well man.  Perhaps this explained his dyspeptic nature. He held out the chest.  "Here is your reward, rise."  I rose and took the chest. "I am told you leave today."
    "Yes, sire.  We have to get back to Caen. The King may need us."
    "Then I hope you have a safer and less eventful journey home than you had coming."
    I wondered if that was a threat, but I smiled and replied, "As do I sire."
    Matilda said, suddenly, "I have decided to reward the six of you for your services to me.  I know that the Emperor has rewarded you but we would like to give you all something to remember me by." I could see that the Emperor knew nothing of this from the expression he bore but the silent arena and crowd meant that they had heard Matilda's words which had been spoken loudly enough for all to hear. She waved a delicate hand and two servants came across, each bearing a cushion.
    "I have created an order of knights.  They will be the Knights of the Empress Matilda. You six will be the first recipients.  Kneel." We all fell to our knees and looked up at her. She began with the Swabians who were kneeling to my left and she placed what looked like a large coin or medallion around each of their necks.  She spoke quietly to each of them as she did so. Then she went to Sir Guy at the other end of the line and placed one around his neck.  After Edward she came to me and put the medallion around my neck. "By this token you are sworn to protect me and to come to me should I need you."
    As I looked up I saw that her eyes sparkled and there was more behind the words than within them.  "I swear, as I did to your father, to protect you with my life; always."
    Spontaneously the others all intoned, "We swear to protect you with our lives."
    There was a momentary pause then the crowd all cheered and the moment was gone. The Emperor whisked Matilda away before she could say another word and we were left alone in the arena. I looked at the medallion.  It had been cast in bronze and had the Empress' image on one side and Saint George slaying the dragon on the other.  It seemed appropriate. As we compared them Rolf suddenly laughed, "It seems we are not all equal."
    Sir Guy asked, "What do you mean?"
    He held up his.  "Do you see how each of us has a different colour stone in our medal? The baron has a blue one but if you notice it is placed in the heart of the Empress.  Ours are in her hand.  It seems the baron must be her favourite."
    I shook my head.  "I think you are wrong.  They look to be in the same place to me.  The man who made them must have made a mistake."
    Gottfried said, "No mistake but it does not matter.  We six are sworn to protect her.  Let us take the blood oath."
    Sir Guy looked confused, "Blood oath?"
    In answer Rolf took out his dagger and

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