Knight of the Highlander
leave ye tae be the lykewake . I'll be needin' tae tell the Laird now mistress." Arywnn nodded.
    "I'll also turn out the cat. Dinnae' want her jumpin' over the corpse, and lettin' the devils in. Yer mither deserves better than that," the woman mumbled as she left.
    "Aye." Arywnn watched the woman leave then settled onto the chair next to her mother's bed with a deep sigh. She placed her hand on her mother's and waited.
    Surely her father would pay proper respect to her mother. There would be many participating in the lykewake, in watching over the body. In turn they would celebrate her mother's life, and her final rest.
    Soon loud footsteps echoed in the hallway, alerting Arywnn of her father's arrival. The door to her mother's room opened forcefully, startling her. She glanced behind her to find her father's gaze boring down on her, then her mother.
    "T'was about time. Ye will be the lykewake for now. I'll have Annie come up with ye. We'll set the kisten for a few days hence." He nodded once, then left. Not once did he even pause to pay respect to the woman that had been his wife for over twenty years. At his departure, Arywnn shook her head in anger. Truly her father was heartless. The servant woman entered again, and cast Arywnn a pitying glance as she went to her mother's wardrobe. She removed a clean garment.
    "Would ye assist in preparin' yer mither?" she asked tenderly.
    "T'would be an honor."
    The preparation of the body took a few hours, but when finished her mother was beautifully dressed with her arms peacefully crossed over her breasts. Visitors began to arrive and pay respect. As night approached, Arywnn continued to keep watch over her mother's body, as was custom. She lit the lone candle and waited.
    The funeral was a bustling affair with most of the clan celebrating the life of their chief's wife. Children were told of the bees spreading the news of the dead. With wide eyes, they watched the buzzing creatures with new fascination. Arywnn didn't believe in the old tradition, but enjoyed the children's rapture. A large meal was prepared, and cheese and ale given freely. In this, her father did pay a measure of honor to his wife. As the crowd dispersed, her eyes caught the gaze of Colin. He took a step forward, but then seemed to changed his mind. He offered a slight nod and placed his hand over his heart. Arywnn nodded, thankful for his gesture of sympathy. He left without another glance, leaving Arywnn with the ever-present feeling of loneliness.
    "How are ye farin'?" Annie spoke with a tender voice.
    "I'm well. Thankful she is now at peace."
    "Aye. T'was her due."
    "Aye," Arywnn replied, nodding at Annie's gentle expression of sympathy. Annie pulled her into a hug. Arywnn was thankful for her friend's comfort.
    "I'll leave ye tae yer mournin'."
    The celebration over, Arywnn went to her room and began to undress. She paused. What she wanted was to be free of the castle walls just for a few blessed moments. The lykewake and kisten had required all of her time, which she didn't regret, however, she needed fresh air. She wrapped her plaid around her shoulders, and crept into the hall.
    Once outside the castle, she made her way to the gate, always making sure to stay in the shadows. She cast a longing glace to the stables wishing she could take Garten on the night ride, yet she continued on foot. She passed through the secret gate, the one she used with Colin and made her way into the forest. Keeping from the path, she wove around the trees till she found herself at the loch where she met both Colin and Knight.
    Cloudy breath swirled around her face as she made her way to the cool water. She trailed her hands through the glassy surface, and watched the ripples travel further and further away. Her thoughts drifted with the ripples as she contemplated Knight and Colin.
    Both men were such a mystery. Colin was strong, eager to help; yet so much of him remained a puzzle. He had lived among her people for

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