Kraken Rising: Alex Hunter 6
work was being carried out.
    “So, explosion, yes?” Yang asked. “And what is that smell?”
    “It is highly likely it was a pocket of dirty methane that ignited. And then air blowback after the initial explosive expansion caused the damage.” Shenjung got to his feet.
    “I concur,” Soong said, also rising. “As for the smell; it is strange, but the gases can be trapped for many millennia, and other compounds leach in, such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide, and maybe even ammonia sulphides. Caves can smell like old shoes, rose gardens, or even graveyards.”
    “So, you two both think the explosion killed them all? Then, where are the bodies?” Yang’s eyes slid from Soong to Shenjung.
    “No, no,” Shenjung said quickly. “There are no signs of incineration on the internal superstructure.”
    Yang looked back to the elevator shaft. “So, Zhang Li took them all down into the tunnel for mining duties – the soldiers, the communications specialists, even the cook?”
    Shenjung tried to put himself in Zhang Li’s place, trying to determine if there was any reason for him to commandeer the entire outpost’s staff. “Cave-in. Maybe there was a cave-in that trapped his mining and engineering team, and he needed the others to form a rescue party. To help him dig.”
    Yang stared for a moment. “And then the explosion occurred, trapping them all.” His eyes narrowed. “ Hmm .”
    Shenjung gazed back at the shaft. “I knew Zhang Li. He was an excellent engineer and mining specialist. I cannot imagine any other reason for him to take non-mining personnel into the deep tunnel systems.”
    “Yes, perhaps this makes sense.” Yang’s mouth turned down. “If there was a cave-in, and he needed extra hands, he would have used all resources available. It is what I would do.” He turned, his expression flat. “But I also would have sent a message to my superiors.”
    Shenjung stayed silent, and after a moment Yang shrugged.
    “If they are trapped, then until we fix that elevator car, no one is going down.” He barked instructions, and then turned back to Shenjung. “Get your engineers to repair the cage. My men will assist.”
    He spun and left, followed by the enormous Mungoi. Several of the soldiers stayed behind, awaiting their instructions.
    Soong stared into the dark elevator shaft. She held up a hand, palm outward. “It’s warm. The air rising feels warm.” She smiled weakly. “Like breathing.”
    Shenjung grunted. “It’s not unusual for the earth to be a few degrees warmer within the deeper geology.”
    She looked back at him, not convinced. “Would you have taken novice men and women into the tunnels?”
    He shrugged. “I don’t know. If I was confronted by a cave-in emergency, then I would like to think I would do anything and everything to rescue those trapped.”
    She nodded and then sniffed deeply. “That smell.”
    “Stay focused. It’s nothing unusual.” He exhaled, knowing that didn’t feel true.
    “ Yi! ’ Soong jumped as shouts and a commotion came from one of the outer rooms. Yang’s soldiers ordered them to stay put before vanishing toward the din.
    A few seconds later, one soldier stuck his head back in the room. “Captain needs you – there’s a survivor.”
    The figure was a tiny ball of fear in the ring of soldiers. The huge steel refrigerator door hung open, and inside Shenjung could see that shelves had been shoved aside to accommodate a single occupant.
    Shenjung looked back at the miserable being. The man had his hands thrown up over his head and he rocked back and forth, mumbling a single word, like a chant, over and over.
    Yang stood over him, his arms folded and his brow creased. When he saw Shenjung, he pointed down at the man.
    “This fool’s mind is gone. See what you can find out.” He went to turn away, but then spun back and delivered a kick to the side of the man’s rump. “And make him stop that constant wailing.”
    The man

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