
Labyrinth by Tarah Scott

Book: Labyrinth by Tarah Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tarah Scott
belly. Her flesh quivered when he moved downward, the finger tickling the curls before grazing her swollen sex and dipping into her moist heat. She arched into the digit. He penetrated deeper, drew out to the edge, then back in again as she thrust toward him. He flicked her pleasure point. She opened her eyes. His gaze was fixed on her curls as he thrust a forefinger into her and massaged her sensitive spot with a thumb. The erotic sight sent a shiver of desire through her.
    His thrusts deepened and she quickened her movements. Pressure mounted between her legs. She closed her eyes and thrust in quick spurts, imagining his cock filling her as his finger did. Once he finger fucked her, she would ride him like the wild stallion he was, and come even harder. Pleasure radiated through her. God, she would—he abruptly shifted and covered her mound with his moist lips.
    Margot cried out. She snapped open her eyes. His gaze met and held hers as he shifted between her thighs, lifting her legs over his shoulders, and settling between them. She couldn’t look away as his tongue swept inside her channel, then dragged the wet cream upward between her folds. He flicked, then sucked, drawing her out. Pressure built. He sucked harder. His tongue flicked faster. His fingers wrapped around her legs.
    Climax rolled over her. He buried his mouth deeper in her curls as pleasure bowed her off the bed. Warmth spread through her. She could wrap herself around him forever.
    White light flashed behind her eyelids and she fell off the edge.

    Chapter Ten
    Margot’s eyes snapped open. She gulped in air as the climax faded. Heart racing, she released a shaky breath and leaned back against the pillow. That climax was better than…hell, even better than the last. Her breathing slowed and her gaze fell on the picture of Castle Morrison. She studied the picture, shifting left as if doing so would somehow give her a different perspective on the structure. The renovated castle and picture were identical…almost.
    She shivered, suddenly aware of the cold, and dropped her gaze to the fireplace. The log she had thrown on the embers had caught fire on the bottom, but died out before getting going. She hadn’t got the hang of banking a fire to keep it going. Cat had employees who made sure guest’s rooms stayed warm. Maybe she hadn’t assigned anyone to Margot’s room because she wasn’t a paying customer. No friendship had ever run truer. Margot glanced at the clock on the nightstand.
One o’clock
. She was due to meet Cat in half an hour. They were going to the outdoor market. After that, Cat had planned a tour of the dungeons, then Margot had a dinner date with McNeil.
    Later, when everyone was in bed, she would go back to Cat’s office and get a look at those hidden files. Margot ignored the clenching of her stomach at memory of seeing Cat with Williams last night. She'd sacrificed too much— her job, maybe even her reputation—to let a case of the jitters stop her.
    Margot waited beside Cat, who discussed tomatoes with the owner of the vegetable stand at Stornoway’s open market. Dark clouds sat parked overhead, but the market buzzed with activity. Three dozen or so stands lined each side of the street. Most were local residents selling one or two types of vegetables or fruits to make a little extra money, with a few professional farmers scattered throughout the market. According to Cat, people came from all over the island to buy from the farmers. Margot breathed deep of the crisp air as Cat turned back to her.
    “Let’s go.” Cat started forward through the crowded isle.
    “Are tomato negotiations always that complicated?” Margot asked.
    Cat grimaced. "You wouldn't believe how many we go through, and we'll need more once we're full up. I want at least three vegetable suppliers. If I depend on only one or two, they'll strong arm me. This keeps things friendly but competitive."
    "You've really taken to the

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