Lady's Choice

Lady's Choice by Jayne Ann Krentz Page B

Book: Lady's Choice by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: Contemporary Romance
future would be. It would be the same as it was five years ago, a piece of the action."
    Juliana gasped, not in shock this time but in outrage. "You expect David and Elly to make you a partner in the business if you save it from your own investors? Talk about gall." She thought quickly. "Still, I suppose something along those lines might be worked out. It would have to be a very small piece of the action, however. You simply can't expect David and Elly to give you a half interest or anything like that."
    Travis slanted her an assessing look over his shoulder. "No. You don't understand, Juliana. I don't want a piece of Flame Valley Inn. If, by some miracle, I do manage to save the resort, it's going to need a lot of cash and a lot of work and even then there's a good chance it will still go under within a couple of years. I want a piece of a sure thing this time."
    She watched him closely, the way she would a predator, and felt her stomach tighten. "What sure thing?"
    Juliana nearly dropped her brandy glass. Her mouth fell open in amazement. She sat staring at him, unable to comprehend what he was saying. "A piece of Charisma? You want a piece of my business?
    But, Travis, Charisma is mine. All mine. I built it from scratch. No one else in the family is even involved with it. You can't be serious--."
    "Welcome to the real world. I am very serious. I told you my usual fees are always very high, Juliana.

    And if you agree to the deal, you'd better understand going in that there's a big possibility I won't be able to save the resort. But I'll expect to be paid, even if I fail to salvage Flame Valley."
    Juliana was reeling. She struggled frantically to collect her thoughts. She hadn't been expecting this, although looking back on things, she probably ought to have expected it or something equally outrageous. Travis Sawyer was a formidable opponent. "But Charisma is mine," she repeated, dazed.
    "I made it what it is all by myself. I learned the ropes managing an espresso chain in San Francisco for years while I saved my money to buy my first machines and find a good location. I've done it all, all by myself."
    "And all by yourself you put Charisma's future at risk by making that loan to Kirkwood and your cousin," Travis started for the door. "Think about it, Juliana. I'll drop by your shop Monday morning to get your decision."
    "Travis, wait, let's talk about this. I'm sure we can find some reasonable compromise if we just—"
    "I don't make compromises when it comes to insuring my fee. I learned my lesson on that five years ago. And I learned it from dealing with people named Grant."
    "But, Travis..." Juliana leaped to her feet but the door was already closing behind him. She raced to the window in time to see him get into the Buick he'd left parked in front of the apartment earlier in the evening. The headlights came on, blinding her. In another moment he was gone.
    "You sneaky, conniving, hard-hearted, son of a... Charisma is mine, damn it. Mine. And I'm not going to let you or anyone else have a piece of it." Juliana halted in the middle of her tirade as a thought struck her with the force of a lightning bolt.
    If she gave him a chunk of Charisma Espresso Travis would be financially bound to her for what might be years. Their lives would inevitably be deeply entangled. It was easier to get rid of a spouse these days than it was a business partner.
    And if she had him around to work on all that time, Juliana told herself, spirits soaring, she just knew she could convince him to see that they were meant for each other.

    * * *
Travis was aware of the tension that gripped his insides as he parked the Buick in front of Charisma Espresso on Monday. He should be used to the unpleasant sensation, he told himself. He'd been awake two nights in a row because of it.
    He could see the lights on inside the espresso bar, and he thought he caught a glimpse of Juliana's red hair as she ducked into the back room. His hands

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