Last Chance (DarkWorld: SkinWalker Book 3)

Last Chance (DarkWorld: SkinWalker Book 3) by T.G. Ayer

Book: Last Chance (DarkWorld: SkinWalker Book 3) by T.G. Ayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.G. Ayer
my fingers gleamed gold. I could hear the high-pitched sobs of the Wraith as she struggled for breath. The more she struggled, the brighter the glow became.
    Fascinated by the glow, I paid little attention to the Wraith girl and her ever-lessening struggles. Paid no attention to the advancing thunder of boots coming straight at us.
    A shout sounded, and it took me precious seconds to recognize what he said. “Kai, don’t.” The words were repeated, echoing around the tunnel and in my brain.
    “Anjelo?” I asked, peering beyond Lily, who spun on her heel, her spine stiff.
    “Kai, please don’t hurt her. Let her go.” Anjelo held out a hand toward me, his eyes begging me to stop, and I did. The Wraith dropped hard to the floor as I took a step around her and headed straight for Anjelo. I reached him seconds after Lily grabbed him and squashed him into a death grip of a hug. He laughed and squirmed, returning the embrace, his face revealing embarrassment as well as joy.
    Lily released him and glanced at me, her eyes and cheeks wet with tears. She stepped aside as Anjelo hugged me. There was a new strength and confidence in my old sidekick’s muscled arms.
    “Anjelo, how are you?” I studied his face, but a movement beyond him distracted me. A pair of Wraith guards stood stiffly behind him. “Who are they? Are they holding you? Is that why you haven’t come home?”
    Anjelo shook his head and placed a hand on my arm. “Kai, it’s okay. I’ll explain everything.” Then he walked around me and headed to the girl Wraith. Lily’s eyes flashed, and I knew a little of how she felt. I turned to watch Anjelo as he hurried to the fallen Wraith. She sat there, hand to her neck, leaning against the stone wall. Anjelo reached her side and hunched down, the wide swathe of his cape billowing around him. He knelt beside her, spoke words we couldn’t hear, then held out a hand. After helping her up, he waited while she steadied herself. She seemed well enough as she began to walk toward us with Anjelo at her side.
    I didn’t miss the small fact that Anjelo walked a few inches behind her. A little bit of deference that made me tamp down any concern that Anjelo’s heart may have moved owners.
    The Wraith girl was in charge it seemed.
    Anjelo whispered something in her ear, and she gave him a swift nod. Then she stopped in front of me.
    “Few people would be allowed to survive after doing that to me. Consider yourself fortunate that Anjelo has spoken for you.” Her eyes sparked angrily, and I understood her position. She’d had her ass kicked and she didn’t like it. I wouldn’t like it either.
    “Thank you, I guess.” I had to respond and couldn’t think of anything else to say.
    Anjelo cleared his throat. Clearly he hadn’t lost the ability to tell when my anger levels were rising. “Kai, this is Illyria, leader of the Rebel army. Illyria, this is my alpha, Kailin Odel.”
    I held out a hand, and the Wraith girl stared at it for a moment as if watching for any sign of a golden glow. Then she glanced up at me and grasped my hand, her grip strong but not macho.
    “Good to meet you. Sorry about the whole near-death thing,” I said, although I wasn’t entirely sure I was sorry. She was a Wraith, and I found the fact the Anjelo deferred to her a little disconcerting.
    She laughed softly. “I’m not that easily killed.”
    “You are when Kai gets all glowy hands on you. No Wraith has ever survived her golden touch,” said Lily, her voice holding a faint tightness as her gaze went from Illyria to Anjelo. I wanted to tell her there was no need to be jealous. Not that I could see anyway. Sure, Anjelo seemed attentive to the great leader. But that could mean any number of things.
    Illyria stared at me for a moment, her eyes studying my face a little too long for my comfort. Not that I felt threatened. “How long have you had this power, Kailin?” asked the Wraith leader.
    Although I really thought it was none of

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