Last Chance To Fight

Last Chance To Fight by Ava Ashley

Book: Last Chance To Fight by Ava Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Ashley
to see the photos again, when I looked I knew she was telling the truth. The expression on her face definitely wasn’t the happy look of ecstasy. She looked terrified.
    “I can’t believe this,” I said. “I knew he was a sick fucker, but not this sick.”
    “What do you mean?” Anna asked, her voice small.
    “I mean, I knew he was pissed off,” I told her. “But I didn’t think he’d move all the way to Australia just to fuck with me.”
    “Oh God,” Anna said. “You really think that’s what he did? The whole time, he was just—”
    Anna stopped talking as she started to get choked up, realizing what a sicko she had been dealing with and didn’t even know it. I saw her eyes well up with tears, and instantly all my anger disappeared and turned into one feeling and one feeling only: the desire to make her feel better.
    “Oh, Anna,” I said, sitting down next to her and wrapping my arms around her. “I am so sorry this happened to you. I’m sorry I yelled. I didn’t mean to get mad at you, I know it isn’t your fault.”
    “I know, Hunter. I just can’t believe that the whole time he, he—”
    She stopped again, and I pulled her in close to me.
    “I’m so sorry, Anna,” I said. “I’m not going to let him bother you again.”
    “I trust you, Hunter,” she said. “But how did he even know about me? And that I lived in Australia? You didn’t tell him about me, did you?”
    “No, of course not,” I said. “I never talked to him about anything, except what a cheating piece of shit he was.”
    “Then how did he find me?” she asked.
    “I don’t know,” I said. “I’ll have to figure it out. I can’t think who would have told him. I didn’t talk about you much. Only to my close friends. Wayne knows. And Jake knows obviously, but I trust them. They’re my best friends.”
    “No,” Anna said, thinking. “You’re right. I don’t know him well, but I trust Jake too. And I’m sure Wayne is the same.”
    “I just have no idea,” I admitted. “We’ll get to the bottom of it, though.”
    “All right. Can we go to your place?” she asked. “I don’t want to stay here.”
    “Of course,” I told her. “We can stay at my place, no problem.”
    “All right. Let’s go now, please,” she said, getting up. “I’ll just get a few things.”
    Back at my place, Anna was still pretty shaken up. I wanted to kill Nathaniel for a number of reasons, for being an asshole, for touching my girl, but more than anything for making her feel like this. I couldn’t believe he was such a scumbag.
    “Is there anything I can do you for you, beautiful?” I asked. “Do you maybe want to take a bubble bath? I’ve got a pretty sweet tub in here.”
    “That sounds perfect, actually,” she said with a weak smile.
    “All right,” I told her. “I’ll get it started for you. There’s a bathrobe hanging in the closet you can use.”
    “Thanks,” she said.
    I went into the bathroom and drew back the shower curtain. The tub really was quite luxurious, if I did say so myself. I had gotten it installed a few years ago, an oversized model with air jets to help soothe my aching muscles after a tough workout or a fight. And now, I was really glad that Anna would get to enjoy it. Hopefully it would make her feel better.
    I poured in some bubble bath and adjusted the water until it was piping hot, just the way she liked it. I sat on the edge of the tub, waiting for Anna and making sure the water didn’t get too hot or too cold. After a few minutes, she came in wearing my dark green bathrobe.
    “Hey there,” I said, unable to keep from grinning despite the somber mood our evening had taken. Even though that piece of shit Nathaniel was trying to ruin my life, I couldn’t help but notice there was only a half-tied piece of terry cloth between me and an incredibly beautiful naked woman.
    “Hey,” she responded, and I thought I saw her smile brighten, just a little.
    “You ready for the best bath of

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