Laura's Big Win

Laura's Big Win by Michelle Tschantre'

Book: Laura's Big Win by Michelle Tschantre' Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Tschantre'
Everything is fine. Amanda is with Dennis making a security round
of the facility in his ATV, and Jack is with Franz in the Jeep
making a parts run to the hardware store. I can call them back here
at any time, but suggest for now we leave them where they are.
You’ve met Dennis, so you know Amanda is in good hands; you’ll meet
Franz later and I’m sure you’ll find him to be equally reliable. We
do not employ anyone here who could be questionable in any way.
Now, are you rested and ready for some breakfast and 20
    “Let me at least rinse the sleep off my
face and get a little more presentable; then I’ll be ready for the
day. I won’t be more than a minute or two. I don’t remember when
I’ve had a night’s sleep that good; been a while, and I do feel
much better now even though I have no idea how or why all this is
happening. I’m still very grateful you got us out of that crowd
last night.”
    “Later I’ll answer your questions as
best I can. For now, freshen up and we’ll go do breakfast. I’ll
wait here.” That’s what Alice said aloud, while inside she was
thinking that this young woman looked better disheveled and
unmade-up in the morning light than most women would look all day.
Alice wasn’t jealous; she had had her day in the sun; was today
going to be Laura’s? Time would tell.
    Laura quickly found the best dress of
what little she had to choose from and rejoined Mrs. Hamilton at
the door to the suite. “I’m sorry, but I just realized I haven’t
called my sister this morning. I tried to talk to her last night
but she wasn’t at home. I really need to let her know we’re okay.
Could I just take a minute to do that?”
    “Sure. Take whatever time you need.
Dial one and then the rest of the number. Is she here in
    “Yes, she is, but I couldn’t get her
husband to understand we were pretty bad off when we got here on
the bus yesterday and needed a place to stay. Again, I can’t thank
you enough for all you’ve done. This will just take a minute;
please come in and have a seat.”
    Alice did as requested, and tried not
to listen to the conversation, but Laura’s end was all too clear
and Alice was getting a picture of sorts.
    “Nancy? It’s Laura!…..No, we’re fine,
and kids and I…..Yes, I heard we were on the TV news last
night……Lenny said you had enough problems of your own since the
plant closed. I’m sure he didn’t understand the rather extreme
nature of our problem. Anyway, look, we’re doing okay for the
moment. We were relocated yesterday evening by some very nice
people from a place called Windmere; that’s where we are now……Yes,
it’s a little like a fortress, but in fact, it’s been more like a
wonderland so far; I’m almost afraid the balloon will burst…..No,
don’t come out for us…..Let me see if there’s a number you can call
if you need me for something; I don’t have a cell phone anymore,
and I don’t know where Richard is. It’s a really long story I’m not
even sure I understand yet, but I’ll see if these nice people will
let me call again later so I can fill you in a bit on what I do
know. I don’t think it’s a pretty picture, but we’re fine for
now…..Catch you later, oh, and let the folks know when they get
back in the states, okay?…..Love you too; take care.”
    That done, Laura and Alice walked
together for the few steps to the kitchen. Doris greeted them as
they entered;” Good morning ladies. Alice, I know what you want; I
heard you coming down the hall and it’s in the toaster. And it
looks like this girl needs a running start on her day. Hi; I’m
Doris Cook; I assume those two children that nearly ate us out of
house and home belong to you?”
    “I’m Laura, and yes, they belong to me.
I hope they weren’t too much trouble.”
    “Not a bit of it. I get a kick out of
seeing them chow down, both of them; we’ll see how they do at
lunch. But, as for you, how about I clean out the

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