Legally Bound 2: Against The Law

Legally Bound 2: Against The Law by Blue Saffire

Book: Legally Bound 2: Against The Law by Blue Saffire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Blue Saffire
but he didn’t think he was a threat,” James sighed.
    “Well it looks like Harris was very wrong, doesn’t it,” Marcus bit out and cursed under his breath. “This doesn’t make sense. Rita wouldn’t do this. I know in my heart she wouldn’t do this.”
    “Maybe it is time you go and find out for sure. Then you can get on with your life. You haven’t been focused for some time now.”
    “You think… my heart is three thousand and some miles away dad. I should have gone after her way before this. Get on with my life,” Marcus snorted. “I don’t have a life without her.”
    James hid his smirk. He knew Marcus was unfocused because of Rita, but he and Minnie also thought it was best for Rita and Marcus to spend this time apart. Rita has some growing up to do, even more so if she was indeed doing what he thought. He and his wife had been right all along.
    James knew baiting Marcus would send him running to Rita, and this would settle things between them and get Marcus back into the game. All of his sons were headstrong and could be stubborn. Marcus needed to learn to handle Rita and not baby her if he wanted to spend his life with her happily.
    If Marcus continued to treat her like a baby or the girl he once knew she would keep up these stunts that were driving him crazy now. James understood Marcus’s care for Rita’s age but she was a grown woman now, and Marcus needed to see that.
    “So I guess this means you are going to Europe, yes?” James said coolly. He had already planned the transportation for his son when Thomas called in a huff about his daughter’s engagement.
    “Yeah dad, I need to see her. I need to know this is real,” Marcus sighed and dropped into one of the chairs in front of his father’s desk. He placed his head in his hands and rubbed his temples.

    Chapter 8
    “ C ara, I’ll get you for that,” Anton laughed as he shook sand from his hair and started to run after Rita.
    “You have to catch me first,” Rita squealed. “Marie, watch out.”
    Marie laughed as Anton scooped her up and tossed her in the water. They’d been at the beach all morning horsing around and enjoying the sun. Rita was falling in love with Italy. Aside from being there to fool Anton’s family into thinking, she was his new fiancée she was having a great time.
    “I’m so going to torture you later,” Marie growled playfully at Anton as he headed for Rita next.
    Rita dashed away cutting to the side each time he got too close. With his long legs, he was right on her heels. Anton is a handsome guy, with his light brown, almost blonde hair and hazel eyes. Women are always after his attention.
    “Rita you’re mine,” Anton growled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down on top of him as he fell to the sand.
    Marcus stood with his jaw clenched and his fists tight. He felt the pain rocket through his heart when Anton’s arms wrapped around Rita’s waist. It seared his soul to hear another man call her his as she laughed in his arms and squealed.
    Before his brain could render common sense he was moving forward. He had no idea what he planned to do or say. He wanted to rip this guy’s arms off.
    “Anton, please no more,” Rita laughed and squealed as Anton tickled her.
    “Tell me you love me, and I am your favorite person in the world,” Anton teased in her ear.
    “Okay, okay, I love you….” Rita’s words cut off in her throat as she gasped in disbelief.
    First it hit her what this must have looked like to him, her in another man’s arms. Next, it registered with her that he was really here. He had come for her. Then she realized two critical things.
    Marcus had stopped cold in his tracks. His face was twisted with anger and hurt. His anger was palpable; it was like it was rolling off of him. Rita swallowed hard. Why wouldn’t he be angry? He just heard her tell another man she loved him while wrapped in his arms. Not to mention she was wearing

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