Legend's Passion

Legend's Passion by Jaci Burton

Book: Legend's Passion by Jaci Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaci Burton
Dylan then walked with Chantal to the front door.
    “Don’t be stupid,” he said to her.
    She cocked a brow. “What the hell does that mean?”
    “It means don’t be typical Chantal and blow him off.” 71

    Jaci Burton
    “Still not understanding.”
    “You’re in love with Dylan. Don’t push him away just because you’re scared of having a mate.”
    “Don’t be ridiculous. First, I’m not afraid of having a mate, and second, I’m not in love with Dylan.”
    He kissed the top of her head, leaned back and grinned at her. “Yeah, little sis, you sure as hell are. Now I’m the last person in the world to claim settling down is a great thing and you know that. But when it’s time, it’s time. Give it up and accept it. You and Dylan belong together. Even someone as jaded as me can see that. Call me if you need me.”
    He turned and walked out. Chantal scrunched her nose, then stuck her tongue out at the closed door.
    Like he knew what she needed. Hmph.
    She turned on her heel and found Dylan leaning against the doorway.
    “You are too in love with me,” he said, smirking.
    She brushed by him and headed up the stairs to her room. “I am not.” He followed her and shut the door behind him. “Yeah, you are.” Ignoring him, she started packing her things in her suitcase. “You don’t even know me. It was just great sex.”
    “It was, wasn’t it?”
    Oh, she hated when his voice went all low and dark like that. It made her pussy wet and trembly. Dammit.
    “I don’t want you to leave.”
    She paused. “Why not?”
    “Because I think we have something together.”
    “Yeah. Fucking. You can’t build a foundation on great sex, Dylan.” 72

    Legend’s Passion
    He approached and wrapped his arms around her. “You can’t? We have chemistry, Chantal. That’s what made me a werewolf in the first place. That blind fuck, you and I in the park that first night, remember?”
    God, did she ever remember. It was burned into her memory banks forever.
    “I need you to guide me through this being a werewolf thing. I can’t do it without you.”
    “Sure you can. You’re a big boy.”
    He exhaled, ruffling her hair. “Okay, so I can. But I don’t want to do it without you.
    I’ve kind of gotten used to having you around.”
    “I don’t even know where you live.”
    “I don’t really live anywhere. I’m on the road all the time with the NCA, but I’m originally from Oklahoma.”
    “I’ve never been to Oklahoma.” Her eyes filled with tears. Dammit, what was wrong with her?
    “You tell me where you want to live and we’ll work it out from there.”
    “Why are you being so accommodating?”
    “Because I’m in love with you and I don’t want to lose you.” Shit. Shit, shit, shit. He could have said anything but that and she might have been able to walk away. She turned in his arms and looked up at him. “You love me.”
    “I’m difficult.”
    “No kidding.”
    “I’ll make your life a living hell.”
    “I’ll love you in spite of it.”
    She sighed, already knowing she’d lost the battle. Noah was right. It was time.
    She’d known it since that night in the park. “I love you too. You’ll be sorry.” 73

    Jaci Burton
    He laughed. “I like a challenge.”
    “You’ll get one.”
    He swooped her up in his arms and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her with a maddening passion she would never tire of. Her body flamed to life, her nipples puckering and pressing against the thin silk of her dress.
    Dylan put her down and took her hand, leading her toward the door.
    “Where are we going?” she asked.
    “To the park, to that spot where we first met. I’ve got this thing now for fucking in the park.”
    She grinned, her pussy moistening. “You’re a very bad boy, Dylan Maxwell.”
    “That’s why you love me, Chantal Devlin.”

    About the Author

    In April 2003, Ellora’s Cave foolishly offered me a contract for my first erotic romance and I haven’t shut up

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