Legion of Shadow
the clearing, you decide to make your own speedy retreat, back to the village. Turn to 142 .
    Avian takes the letter of introduction and studies it thoughtfully. ‘Ah yes, the graduate from the academy. How splendid. I have been expecting you.’ He rolls up the
parchment and gestures towards the courtyard. ‘I am anticipating great things from you. Shall we get started and see what you are capable of?’ As you move forward, he stops you, placing
a hand on your arm. ‘Although, I should warn you. Honesty is one of the traits I value highly in my apprentice.’ Turn to 126 .
    You make your way carefully down the passage, avoiding the deadly puddles of white gooey acid. After several minutes, you come to a junction – the passageway splitting
into tunnels to the north and south. To the north, there has evidently been a cave-in, as the tunnel is blocked by rubble and stone. To the south, you notice the tunnel walls are glistening with
big, fresh dollops of white goo. As the north tunnel is impassable, you decide to head south. Turn to 273 .
    Martha removes a ring from her finger and offers it out to you.
    ‘Thank you, for all that you have done,’ she says. ‘I want you to take this. It is my wedding band. No – please, don’t look so shocked. It hasn’t brought me
much luck in this life. Perhaps it will give you better fortune.’
    You may take:
    Widow’s band
    +1 magic
    Ability: heal
    You thank Martha for the kind gift and then you both leave the cottage. Return to the map to continue your journey.

    The moment you touch the stone there is a bright flash of light, followed by a dizzying sensation of movement. When the light fades, you find yourself in a flooded cave, its
oily black waters lapping around your waist. At the centre of the cave is an island, illuminated by a shaft of pale green light. Its radiance outlines the figure of a woman, dressed in a trailing
gown of weeds and lilies. Her emerald eyes watch you intently.
    ‘You trespass in the halls of ancient kings,’ booms a deep voice, from somewhere above. ‘Many have come here. All have failed. Fight my champions and prove your
    The woman draws a leaf-shaped sword from her belt, its blade flickering with magic. Patiently she waits for you. With few other options, you wade through the water and drag yourself up onto the
island. The woman smiles and nods, then rushes to attack:

    Special abilities
    Healing touch: At the end of each combat round, Allura heals 2 health. Once her health has been
     reduced to zero, she cannot heal.
    If you are defeated, you find yourself back on the hilltop, turn to 153 . If you defeat Allura, her body turns to water vapour, which drifts away
across the cavern. On the spot where she was standing, you find a small stone rune with three wavy lines cut into its surface. If you take the Rune of Allura , make a note of it on your hero
sheet. There is a sudden flash of light and you find yourself back on the hilltop. Turn to 153 .
    It is a miracle, but you managed to defeat the three ghouls. You may now take any/all of the following items:
    Grave dust ring
Ghoul hair
Ghoul claw


(left hand: dagger)
+1 brawn

This may come in useful one day

+1 speed +1 brawn
Ability: piercing
    You decide not to risk the stairs in the pitch blackness, so you decide to head back to the pulpit and investigate the room behind the painted screen. Turn to 296 .
    The target dummy is soon reduced to a pile of straw and sack cloth. Avian claps his hands as he walks over.
    ‘Impressive, very impressive. I see much potential in you.’ He snaps his fingers and a sword flies out from one of the racks, landing in his outstretched hand. ‘Now, fight
me,’ he says, raising his sword. ‘And I’ll teach you how to become an even better fighter.’ Turn to 99 .
    ‘Ah yes,’ grins the witch. ‘You might have got me there. That woman was as heartless as they come.

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