London Harmony: Water Gypsy

London Harmony: Water Gypsy by Erik Schubach Page A

Book: London Harmony: Water Gypsy by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
flowed around her shoulders, pooling there before cascading both forward and down her back. I took a mental picture. This was so... so...
    Her smile was huge and her eyes twinkled as she squealed, engulfing me in a big hug. “Tabitha! What are you doing here?” She pushed away, holding my shoulders, and turned her head to the utterly gorgeous redhead she had been dancing with and a cold jealousy shot through my confusion and surprise. And... arousal at running into Teresa here, and looking so, wow. “Jenny, this is Tabitha Romanov. Tabitha, this is my cousin Jenny.”
    Relief flooded me, I don't even know why I was jealous. I gave a tiny wave to the redhead and she cocked an eyebrow at me with a sly grin. “She's the one you won't shut up about?”
    I blushed and I swear Teresa did too as she said, “Oh hush you manky bint. Can't you let up on the teasing just a bit?”
    The redhead barked out a genuinely amused and surprised peal of laughter. Her smile doubled and she ignored her cousin and mocked looking around her. “It is a pleasure to meet, 'the voice,' Tabitha.”
    I blushed again, still fixating on Teresa's hands on my shoulders, she still hadn't released me and heat were spreading through my body from the contact points. I said almost hoarsely, “Tabs, please.” I met Teresa's eyes to let her know I meant her too.
    With a glance down at her hands and a slight hesitation, she released me then smiled, and snagged my arm and pulled me in front of her and Jenny. “Let's dance! Can't let a great thrashing beat like this go uncelebrated. And none of that Miss McClellan shite, just Teri here, please.” Then she and Jenny just started banging their heads to the bass as they gyrated their hips to the music. After a moment of just staring at this total transformation of looks and composure of the bloody gorgeous creature, I raised my hands and joined in.
    After a few moments, someone was bumping me from behind. I glanced back into Paya's brown eyes, she was grinning and mouthing, “Oh my god!” I exhaled with a big smile in answer. She bit her tongue and then did a sexy little grind into my back before she turned her attention back to her beau.
    I turned back and Teri had a hard look on her face. I shrugged and said over the music, “My best friend Paya, she's here for moral support.” The hard look faded and she just danced slightly closer. My lord, I couldn't handle all the heat in the room, it seemed to be centering around her.
    The song ended and Paya and Harry joined us as Ronnie hopped up on the stage. Then Teri looked at Harry and my bestie holding hands then cocked her head. “I know you. You're the other cleaning woman at the Conservatoire.” Paya nodded with a grin as Teri tilted her head to me and asked, “What do you mean, moral support?”
    Before I could answer, Ronnie Marx was on stage, speaking into the mic on his earpiece. “Ok everyone, let's get this party started with a bang!” The crowd went wild. “Our first talent tonight is a special treat. Everyone welcome Tabby Cat!”
    I yelled at her over the cheers, “Ummm... for this!” I smiled at her and I chanced reaching out and grasping her hand and giving it a squeeze before pushing past my screaming and whistling best friend.
    I got to the stage and tucked my bag under the stage, Ronnie reached down with one hand, I grasped his hand and he effortlessly lifted me up. I handed him my mobile with the tracks cued. I put on the headset he handed me instead of a mic.
    I looked up and people cheered more. I put my hands over my mouth then dropped them and smiled shyly. “Hi everyone. My first track is special to me, it's called Gift of a Heartbeat.” I inclined my head to Ronnie and jumped high into the air as the track started. I landed with the first boom of the bass then started banging my head for the intro, one hand in the air pointing at the exposed rafters of the ceiling as I bounced on my toes.
    Then the music stopped and a lone piano

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