London Harmony: Water Gypsy

London Harmony: Water Gypsy by Erik Schubach

Book: London Harmony: Water Gypsy by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
women shared a quick chuckle. The place was slammin'. I could feel the music thrumming up into the soles of my feet through the concrete floor. My body wanting to pull it up inside me as I swayed to the music blasting from a stage made up of a few construction scaffoldings lashed together like the barges I lived on.
    I saw Ronnie setting up a DJ station. He looked up and caught my eye. He nodded once in acknowledgment. I nervously reciprocated with a silly tiny wave of my hand.
    Harry was off in search of liquid refreshments. Paya and I just started moving into the crowd and danced. She had always been such a smooth and creative dancer, I've often wondered why she never tried to pursue it professionally. From being exposed to her all these years, I was no slouch myself just trying to keep up with her.
    Harry returned with beers. Paya grabbed a cup then stopped me from grabbing one of the three large red plastic cups with a hand on my arm. The twinkle went out of her eyes and she asked thoughtfully, “You're not drinking on an empty stomach are you? You need to sing tonight and being drunk won't help.”
    I shook my head, knowing she was serious. “I had a sandwich and some beef before you picked me up. I knew you'd be upset if I didn't.” I added, “Mum.” Then stuck my tongue out at her.
    She nodded and grinned then grabbed the cup I was reaching for and eyeballed it. She took two deep gulps of it and looked at it then handed me the cup that was now a third empty. “There, that's all you get until you sing.” I'd be upset with her if I didn't love her so bloody much for worrying about me. Instead I just accepted the cup, took a gulp then saluted them and we toasted and danced.
    Every time some bloke started pushing in on us, we'd dance closer to Harry, in a suggestive manner, showing them we were taken and not interested. This just boosted Harry's confidence. I'm glad he didn't mind me using him as a testosterone shield too. He was so good for my bestie. To tell the truth, he's the only person she has ever dated that I wholeheartedly approved of. He treated her like she was important and truly mattered. Who cares if he was from Cardiff? I chuckled silently at that thought.
    On the other hand, every time a woman would push in on us, I'd turn to her with a smile and Paya and I would give her the Harry treatment. Paya had never looked down on my sexual preferences and was secure in her own so this was just pure fun for her. She never felt self-conscious helping me with the women this way.
    My cup was almost empty by the end of the second song and I was feeling a bit tipsy and daring. I started channeling the music and letting it move my body for me, merging, becoming one with it. I spun and ran directly into someone, sloshing the last of my beer to the ground. I blurted out, “I'm so terribly...” I froze as familiar emerald eyes took my breath away. I stopped.. just stopped... not moving, not breathing, dropping the cup as I squeaked out, “Teresa?” I quickly recovered. “I mean, Miss McClellan?”
    She was different... so different. So... I was feeling flush and a heat started in my belly that threatened to consume me. The sexy professional dragon lady had transformed into... a goddess? Her pressed, professional garb was replaced with trendy clubbing clothes, a layered pop princess look.
    She had heavy makeup highlighting her cheeks, her eyes were so smoky and alluring and her lips... I swallowed... they were works of art with so much creamy depth, coated with a glossy sheen. The tall heeled boots and skin tight capris showed off the shapeliest of legs. My eyes followed their curves. Now, I'm a leg girl, I freely admit that. And her legs were enough to make me drool. The only thing that turns me on more than legs are... I stopped thinking as my other weakness captured me, I was lost in her eyes.
    Then I blinked as I took in her chocolate brown mane of wild hair, not held tightly to her scalp by a hairband. It just

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