Look After Us
day now, and I’ve felt more love in the past twenty-seven hours with Ashton’s family than I have ever felt with my own—well, my mom and my brother anyway. He did love me, but in a skewered way that comes in the form of a psychopath.
    Pushing away all bad thoughts of my fucked up family to the side, I force my focus on Mia, trembling with a smile as I do.
    “I’d be honored to wear it, thank you, but I didn’t actually bring any shoes that will match that dress.”
    “Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered. Kudos to Ashton, he knows almost everything about you, including your shoe size. I’m surprised if Tyler even remembers the color of my eyes. I sometimes think maybe I picked the wrong brother.”
    We all cry out in hysterical laughter, then from the hallway we hear, “They’re brown, babe!” which has Mia slapping her hands over her mouth stifling more laughter.
    “Wrong! They’re blue actually,” shouts Mia once she’s controlled her laughter.
    Suddenly Tyler’s head pops around the door with a beaming grin on his face. “Of course I know what color your eyes are, and that’s why I know they’re actually a mix between blue and green with little flecks of gold,” he states confidently with a beaming smile, and before she can say another word he’s gone.
    Mia looks between the both of us with a huge smile on her face, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of content and love—the same head-over-heels smile I find myself doing every single time I think about Ashton or whenever he’s in my presence. “Okay, so … I guess I’ll keep him.”
    Handing the dress to Alana, she pulls me into a hug and squeezes me tightly. “Thank you for helping today. I really appreciate it.” We eventually separate and she has to fight back another yawn. “Okay, I’m going to have a nap before I pass out. I’ll see you guys later.”
    She turns towards the door when Alana stops her in her tracks and says, “Don’t forget about what Riley has planned tonight.”
    Mia rolls her eyes. “I swear if there are any more strippers, I won’t have a maid of honor tomorrow.” I laugh at her mocked threat as she tiredly leaves the room.
    Alana gently places the dress back into the garment bag and returns it to the rail, smoothing the bag down with her hand to ensure the dress doesn’t become creased.
    “What does Riley have planned for tonight?” I find myself asking, a little less than thrilled at having to spend another evening with Ashton’s ex.
    “Just a slumber party. I think after last night we need a relaxing night in, especially Mia—poor girl is exhausted with all of the wedding planning.” Yep … having a big wedding? I’m not convinced.
    “A slumber party sounds perfect,” I agree. “So,” I begin after a moment of silence, “is there anything else you want me to do?”
    “No, doll … you go and enjoy the rest of the day. I can do the rest.”
    “Are you sure? I don’t mind,” I say with an honest smile. Even though the whole wedding preparation has opened my eyes in a negative way, I have to admit I’ve had a pretty fun day hanging out with Mia. I’ve never had a girlfriend, or been the type of girl to ever be surrounded with friends; I’ve always been a loner, but today and yesterday at the bachelorette party, I realize just how much life I’ve missed. Hopefully that will change since I feel like I’ve already made incredible friends in Mia and Jo.
    “I’m sure. You’ve done more than enough today. Go and find that handsome son of mine and enjoy the sunshine.” Her eyes glimmer with happiness, and with that I can’t get out of the guest room quick enough.
    I change out of my Converse and slide my blister-covered feet into a pair of flip-flops before heading outside in search of Ashton.
    As I walk out onto the veranda, I hear the sounds of splashing coming from the swimming pool, and when I squint my eyes through the bright sunshine, I see Ashton playing with Junior. I chuckle when I

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